Part 19

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N-your cute together it's sweet how you care for her anyway we need to cure y/n of her hunger what does she want to eat Thai Indian McDonald's chick fil a Wendy's in n out what does y/n fancy
Y-well i had McDonald's last night chick fil a is pretty much the same as McDonald's same with Wendy's I don't like Thai or Indian
M-in n out it is then
Y-guess so
Mads ordered the food off of postmates and you were waiting around 30 minutes for the food to arrive and It finally came
Y-ugh finally im hungry
A-um hey y/n can I talk to You for a second
Addison pulled you around the corner
A-hey I don't mean to be rude but ever since you've came I feel like your leaving me out
Y-I didn't realise you felt that way addi I hereby promise that tomorrow we will go out just us two and do some shopping get our hair done and maybe even our nails how does that sound
A-that sounds brilliant thank you for understanding y/n I didn't want to talk in front of the girls because they would make it a big thing
Y-no I completely understand
You and addi returned and ate your food
M-hey what did you guys talk about
Y-addi felt left out but she didnt want to make it a big deal infront if you two
M-hey it wouldn't of been a big deal would it ness
N-no not at all you can talk to us addi
A-i know but y/n was the main source of why I felt that way and I wanted to sort it it's all fine now can we just leave it at that thank you
Addison got up and stormed off to Bryces room
Mads and nessa tried to go after her
Y-guys I wouldn't she just needs time to calm down I'm sure bryce is up there I'm sure he'll calm her down
N-your probably right y/n
Y-come in do you wanna watch the vampire diaries
You watched a couple of episodes
Y-ok but stelena or delena
N-delena for sure they are just made for eachother you know
M-no no no stelena like Qetsiyah said the doppelgangers are made for each other it's natural fate and Damon just stands in the way
Y-I see why you think that but delena are just always made for eachother
After a while payton came down
P-what you talking about
Y-stelena or delena
P-oooh delena for sure
Y-the other night you said stelena
P-what minds can change can't they
Y-I suppose
N-I love how all you fight about is tv couples and that's all
Y-no not all the other night we fought about who loves eachother more and I won of course
P-and then I said that she wouldn't be getting cuddles and she won again
M-you guys are so cute
Y-thank you can we continue watching tvd now
N-eh I don't know I kinda wanna do something else
N-make tiktoks
P-i don't feel like making tiktoks I'll leave you girls to it
Y-k bye love you
P-love you too
M-I'm gonna go find jaden I'll see you later
Y-yep bye see you

Thanks to @itsynfoley I can successfully throw it back now
@itsynfoley: your welcome boo
^@User:since when were they friends
^@itsynfoley:since I met @jadenhossler
@payton:can I please have my gf back now @nessabarrett
^@nessabarrett:maybe if you promise to give me her tommorow
^@itsynfoley:hey chill there's enough of me to go round

I guess I have a girlfriend now + payton  @nessabarrett
@nessabarrett:that's right bitches move over nessa's here now
^@payton:hey I'm said bitches and no I will not move over
@user:haha I love nessas and Payton's friendship
@user0908:k but like what happened to abby ?
^@abbyartistry:I'm with noen for a while so that y/n can be with Payton and her other friends I'm seeing her when she gets back tho :) I'm still here
^@itsynfoley:plus we like to keep our friendship private
@payton:and just like that I've been kicked out of the relationship 😤
^@itsynfoley: your the one that didn't feel like making tiktoks still love you
^@nessabarrett:stop being a bitch payton and suck it up

After you finished making tiktoks you decided to go upstairs and see what Addison was doing so you went to Bryces room and she was there hugging Bryce watching tv
Y-hey guys
B-hey y/n
Y-we thought it'd be best to leave you to calm down and chill out
A-that's Ok I haven't really seen Bryce much this week anyway sometimes the girls just annoy me you know
Y-yeah I understand as I was growing up in school abby was my only friend that's a girl and had a load of friends that were boys and sure a few girl friends went and left but the boys and Abby just stayed until we left school just a few weeks ago Honestly boys are better than girls
A-then why did you hang out with us instead of the boys
Y-it can't hurt to try to be friends with someone now can it
A-hey I suppose your right
B-I'm still here you know TRYING to watch this
*you and addi laugh*
Y-whoops sorry I'll go now
You walked out and went to your room and payton was there lying with just sweatpants on and on his phone

Y-hey baby
P-hey what's up
Y-nothing what's up what have you been doing
P-playing on my phone all night
Y-babe please can you just try to have fun with some people try and talk to some people you can't be with me the whole night
P-Maybe tomorrow while your out with the girls babe
Y-babe I'm just going out with Addison I'm not sure about the other girls but yeah please just try and get along with everybody I know how you like to seclude yourself
P-Okay I'll try and get along with everybody just for you would that make you happier baby?
Y-yeah but you know what would make me happier P-what
You straddle on top of him and kiss him on the lips He pulls away
P-ooh ok
He gets up and shuts the door and straddles you this time and you start making out and it leads to other things you end up naked in bed you laying on his chest
Y-that was
He finished the sentence for you
He got out of bed and chucked you a shirt and some shorts you put them on and he put some sweatpants on and got back into bed
After that you both went to sleep
1127 words
A/n I am so sorry I haven't updated in a real long time I've been busy so sorry but I'll see you for another chapter luv ya's

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