Part 25

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You looked up to see payton in bed shirtless with grey joggers on
P-ooh you do be looking sexy
Y-you too
You walked over to where payton was laying on the bed and sat down and laid next to him looked at him and kissed him on his lips you started moving both your lips in sync then one thing led to another
You woke up with a pair of arms wrapped around you knew that they were Payton's you tried to reach your phone to check the time but you were pulled back in by payton
Y-baby come on I got to check the time
P-no the time is cuddle time
Y-I also got to text my dad to let him know we're going to England baby
P-5 more minutes?
You relaxed into his arms for a cuddle and you fell asleep
No response
P-baby it's been five minutes
No response
He looked down at you and noticed you were asleep
P-so five minutes will turn into an hour
He got up and went downstairs An hour later you woke up and text your dad

Hi dad just to let you
know Payton and I are
                                       gonna come to England
                                       if that's alright with you
                                       we're gonna pay for
                                       flights so you don't have
                                        to love you XX
Ok honey
Thats absolutely
Fine love you too
By the way your
Loft conversion is still
Up so you and payton
Can sleep there or the
Outhouse is still there
Love you too xx

A few minutes later payton came in with a tray with breakfast on it
Y-aww baby you shouldn't have
P-well you didn't wanna wake up so I made you breakfast
Y-aww thats so sweet



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Liked by:@Paytonmoormeier @itsnannieb @joannemoormeier and 194,000 others

When he makes you breakfast in bed he's a keeper hunnies 🥰😍🤩@paytonmoormeier

@joannemoormeier:aww y/n you really have changed my son
^@itsynfoley:he's always with me I think I've rubbed off on him 😂
@itsnannieb:that looks delicious hunny sending love and hugs to you and payton xx 😘
^@itsynfoley:it was I'll have to get payton to make you some next time we're in NC
@larray:let me meet up with chuuu
^@itsynfoley:ok dm me and we'll sort something out
^@dixiedamelio:Same here
^@itsynfoley:dm me all of you wait lemme add you to a gc
@paytonxyn:we love to see payton being a gentleman

@itsynfoley added @dixiedamelio
@itsynfoley added @charlidamelio
@itsynfoley added @larray
@itsynfoley added @nikitadragun

Ni-omggg hiii y/n Charli Dixie larray
Y- hiiiii
Ni-okay let's get to the point where do you wanna meet what do you wanna do
Lar-I don't mind picking you all up and we can come back to my place film yt of us going on Omegle
Dix-yeahhh that sounds like great fun
Ni-yeah i love freaking everybody out
Y-I actually have a YouTube channel but it's a bit dry so could we film it for my yt
Lar-ok so I'll stop by sway come pick y/n up stop by the damelios and pick up Charli and Dixie go to Nikitas pick her up and then we'll head back to mine
Ni-Larray that's a lot of driving for you to be doing we'll all meet at mine everyone come in separate cars
Y-I'm sure i can get pay to drop me off and pick me up
Dix-I can drive me and Charli and we'll pick up Dunkin on the way what's everyone's orders
Y-I will take a chilled mocha with extra milk
Lar-I'll get Starbucks on the way niki do you want Starbucks or dunkin
Nik-I'll get Starbucks Larray you now my order don't you
Lar-yes I know your order
Nik-ok so we'll meet at mine at 12:00 then
Char-yep seems ok to me and Dix
Y-yep should be fine
Lar-yeah it'll take me an hour to get there so that's fine
Y-see you then luv ya's

You finished your breakfast as you were texting your friends then payton came in
Y-yes i got a question to ask you
You put on puppy eyes and your best persuasive cute voice
Y-will you take me and pick me up at nikitas tommorow
P-what time do you need to be there for
P-yeah babe that's absolutely fine I think I'm gonna go over to hype and hang with chase tommorow anyway
Y-with a bunch of single girls
P-I'm not gonna let any of them get off with me or touch me ok I'll be with chase the whole entire time ok I won't be anywhere near any girls
Y-what you gonna do if a girl comes up to you and starts touching you
P-push them off
Y-what you gonna do if a girl starts flirting with you
P-shut them down
P-please stop flirting with me I have a girlfriend
Y-if they continue to do it?
You looked shocked for a second
Y-if they continue to do it?
P-gonna walk out the house get in my car and come to wherever you are
Y-that's my boy
You lean in to kiss him he kisses you you kiss back you make out for a couple of minutes
Then you pull away
P-why did you stop
You giggled
You mumbled and walked out of the door
He followed you

*3 hours later*

You both walked out wrapped in white towels giggling
Until you passed josh
J-Payton y/n
He said sternly
You both said back sternly
You both continued walking and giggling
Until you got to the door of the bedroom
P-here we go
He picked you up bridal style you squealed
He carried you over the door and plopped you on the bed
He chucked you some clothes your favourite outfit
P-put these on we going somewhere
P-you'll see
1010 words
Soooo it's been a week I'm actually enjoying writing atm so I'm taking my time so that they're perfect for you guys
Ly guys
All the love until next time

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