Part 6

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*nobodys POV*
J-hi I'm Joanne these are my kids faith who's 19 and payton who's 16 we live across the road and we brought you some cookies
Y/m-oh hi this is y/n she's 16 and I'm y/m and Steve my fiancé is moving in later
J-would you like to come in so then the kids can get to know eachother
Y/m-oh actually y/n and I have got a lot of unpacking to do before Steve gets home
J- me and the kids can help you unpack if you want
Y/m- sure come over and grab 2 boxes
*your POV*
You were unpacking your stuff when you heard a knock on your door
Y-come in
P-I got some boxes that are labelled y/n's room
Y-oh really I thought I had them all I guess not you can help if you want
P-listen y/n
P-why did you ignore me earlier
Y-honestly... you laughed to yourself
P-y/n what are you laughing at
Y-this is gonna sound crazy
P- go on
Y-I didn't know how to react so I just blanked and told my friend Abby because honestly I have like the biggest crush on you, I have... for years
P-I like that
Y-like what?
P-your not afraid to express your emotions
Y-I guess not
P-you know
P-The first time I saw you wasn't on my for you page
Y-it wasn't ?
P-well it kinda was but at the same time wasn't
Y-what do you mean know your friend Abby
Y-yeahhh...where are you going with this payton
P-she kinda said that you had a crush on me so I had to check you out you know
P-so your single and I'm single
Y-who said I was single
Y-I'm joking
He then leaned in and kissed you it was a passionate kiss then he pulled away
P-anywayyyyy we should get back to helping you unpack
Y-so your not gonna ask me out loverboy
P-just you wait
Y-yeahhhhh let's just get back to unpacking
—————————TIME SKIP————————————
Payton went home about 2 hours ago and you were just about to start cooking dinner with your mum when the door went and you answered it and it was payton
Y-payton what are you doing
P-iffff it's ok with your mum I would like to take you out for a date
Y-I don't know I'm about to meet Steve at dinner
Y/m- just go honey Steve will be here later
Y-I don't have anything to wear
P-do you see me wearing anything smart
Y-no your just in your sweatpants and a hoodie
P-just to have a date it doesn't have to be smart
Y-ok then let's go
He drove you to this little hill and it was perfect he came and got you out and he said to come and sit on top of the car with him you said ok
Y-so loverboy what are we doing here
P-I thought this would be the perfect place to ask you to be my girlfriend
Y- you've barely even known me a day and your already asking me to be your girlfriend smooth moormeier smooth
P-you said you had the biggest crush on me for years did you not
Y-yes but I've only known your social media sides not your personal sides off social media
P-who said I'm not the same on social media as i an off
Y-oh come on moormeir everyone has two different sides
P-y/n your dodging the question
Y-I guess I am I do that a lot when it comes to big desicion
Y-I don't know
P-come on y/l/n don't do this to me
Y-ok how about we make a compromise
Y-I'll give you 3 weeks become bestfriends I get to know you you get to know me and then maybe we become something more than bestfriends what about that moormeier
P-deal y/l/n
A/n What are you all thinking about this deal 🤔🌷

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