How We Met - J. N.

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"I told you I'm not going to tonight's party", I said to the phone as I was talking to my friend. I got out of the cab while struggling to balance my bag, a box of pizza and a tray with three drinks from Starbucks.

"C'mon Y/N. It's not a party, it's just a little get together. And you never miss events like this", Sofia replied. I rolled my eyes, "Well this time I am, Sof. I'm visiting my sister on set today and I have no idea what time we'll go home", I replied.

I can still hear Sofia's voice on the other side of the call but I wasn't focusing on whatever she is saying as I was busy searching for Kira. I finally found her talking to Jack Griffo, Jace Norman and Cooper Barnes. I froze in my spot once I saw Jace in his Kid Danger costume.

Like my sister, Kira, I'm also a singer and actress but I work for Disney. Disney just released a brand new original movie called Descendants which I also star at. Me and the cast are suppose to have a little sleep over tonight but I don't feel like attending.

It's a little weird that Kira stars in a Nickelodeon show while I star in a Disney movie. I love both channels with all my heart since I grow up watching their shows. I always watch The Thundermans and Henry Danger with Kira but I never mention about my crush on Jace Norman. Jack knows about my crush on Jace and he would always tease me about it.

"Hello? Y/N? You still there?", Sofia's voice said which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah yeah I'm still here", I answered.

The four of them turned around and saw me. Kira and Jack waved me over which finally gave me the courage to approach them. I shoved the pizza box towards Jack. "Hey!", he pouts but I ignored him.

"Listen Sof, I'm really not attending tonight's party alright? I gotta go", I said before ending the call. "What party?", Kira asked while raising her eyebrows. "A sleepover with the rest of my castmates", I clarified.

She nods her head and I gave her the Starbucks drink that she always gets before giving Jack his own order. "Thanks Y/N", they both thanked me with smiles on their faces.

Kira turns to Cooper and Jace before introducing me to them. "Guys this is Y/N, my sister. Y/N these are Cooper and Jace, obviously you would know them"

"Yes of course. Hi it's pleasure to meet you guys", I said and shake their hands. "It's nice to finally meet the infamous Y/N. Jack and Kira mentioned you a bunch of times. I love your recent album by the way", Jace said.

"Really? Well I love Henry Danger so much and I recently just watched Splitting Adam and you were amazing", I admitted. "Aside from Henry Danger who else do you love?", Jack smirked at me.

"Definitely not you", I said before shoving the lid of his drink towards his mouth.

"Hey kid since you like our show so much, do you have any upcoming projects?", Cooper asked. "Not in a few months. I'm on break from filming a movie since we just recently released one last year", I answered. "Wanna make an appearance in Henry Danger as Henry's love interest?", Cooper said.

My eyes grew wide. "Get out"

"Yep! We've been looking for an artist to play another one of Henry's girlfriend. We've seen your movies and shows and you are our best choice", Jace said. "Oh my God! Are you kidding? Of course I would love to", I screamed and fangirled. Kira had to put her hand on me to keep me from fully screaming and destroying a few things.

"Great! I'll talk to Dan and ask him to talk to your manager", Cooper said and with that he left. "Hey thanks so much for this. I never expected you guys to ever consider me, let alone offer me a spot on your show", I said to Jace. "No worries. I can see how passionate you are at what you're doing and you really love your job. We talked about it and of course we also had other celebrities in mind but you were our top choice", he said.

I want to faint right now.

"Dang Kira. Henry Danger got Y/N first than us", Jack said, "And she's your sister"

Kira ended up slapping his shoulder which caused him to spill some of his drink.

Jace and I laughed at them. "Are they always like this?", he asked. "Yup. Imagine I have to face this everyday", I shook my head, "Sometimes I don't know if Phoebe and Max Thunderman took over them"

After a little while Jace, Cooper and Kira were called to shoot a scene which left me and Jack.

I sat on a chair with Kira's name written on the back as Jack dragged his chair to sit beside me. "Dude! You got the role", he teased me. "I know! I can't believe this is actually happening to me", I said while shaking his shoulder.

"Not just any character, dude you get to play Jace's love interest", he said. "Oh shut up. We just met and I won't be in the show for long cause Disney's planning to release a sequel to Descendants", I answered with a frown. Jack rolled his eyes at me, "Still", was all he said.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him and watched Kira, Jace and Cooper converse with one another as they start shooting the scene.

Jack and I talked to one another as they filmed a few more scenes. It was really fun to watch them act and the bloopers were totally hilarious. The directors and producers would catch Jace staring at me and he tends to forget his lines which didn't go unotice to Kira.

I stayed in the building as they filmed here and there until they were asked to leave and continue shooting tomorrow.

"Hey Y/N", Jace greeted as he approached me, still in his Kid Danger costume. "Yep", I smiled. "Dan talked to your manager and she will probably tell you the news tomorrow", he answered.

"Ok", I said. "Hey do you wanna grab something to eat?", he offered. "Sure", I grabbed my back pack and we left the building.

We decided to eat at the local diner and that is where I texted Kira that I was out with Jace.

Jace and I chatted and got the chance to get to know one another. We had so many things in common and had the same sense of humour.

After eating, we went our separate ways and head to our own house.

The moment I stepped inside the house, Kira started throwing questions at me.

I told her everything and also mentioned about my crush on Jace Norman.

It was almost 12 when I went to bed and was about to turn the lights off but I saw a message from Jace.

Jace🐶: Hey Y/N. I enjoyed dinner tonight and I just wanna say that I can't wait to work with you on the show :)

I smiled and typed in a reply,

Y/N: I had fun too Jace. I'm excited to finally work with you. Hope we can hang out again next time

I hit send and closed the lights before jumping on my bed. My phone chimed and I received a message.

Jace🐶: We definitely should hang out again. Let's plan something next time

Y/N: Sure! Well good night Jace

Jace🐶: Good night Y/N. Sweet dreams.

I shut my phone off and went to sleep with a smile on my face.


What's up guys!!

I haven't been around for a while now. Honestly I wasn't expecting to ever come back to Wattpad since I forgot my password and I deleted the app.

It's quarantine and I have nothing better to do since school is over and I'm always bored. I just finished re-watching The Thundermans and I'm re watching Henry Danger.

Anyways hope you guys like this first imagine. Stay safe, wash your hands and enjoy your time with your family :)

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