Story Tank - H. H.

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Y/N is watching a horror movie along with the rest of Team Danger. She's seated next to Henry as she held onto his arm while waiting for the scary scene to come.

The character pulled out a chainsaw and they all screamed and looked away from the screen, except Henry who is laughing. It's no surprise to her that Henry is not scared of scary movies which Y/N has to say is really impressive.

They all looked at Henry as Ray paused the movie. "What's your problem, man?"

"Hmm?" Henry hummed.

"What's your problem, man?" Ray repeated. "Nothing. It's just a funny movie," Henry shrugged.

"What's so funny about a scary movie?"

"Are you nuts?"

"That movie gives me the creeps!"

"It's terrifying"

Ray, Charlotte, Jasper and Schwoz commented on Henry's statement as Y/N simply leaned her head against the blonde's shoulder.

"Whoa whoa whoa I'm getting a lot of negativity in my direction," Henry commented as Y/N grabbed his hand and led the fork with a steak to her mouth and took a bite. Henry kissed her cheek before turning his attention to the rest.

"Alright can we please continue to movie so I can laugh and enjoy my Bro-Maha steaks?" Henry asked a she got up to get more. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes as the rest continued to make comments about Henry.

"That's another thing!" Ray exclaimed. "Oh God," Henry mumbled. "Not only are you laughing at our movie but your shoving Bro-Maha steaks right into our faces," superhero replied, "How come Y/N gets some of your steaks?"

"Yeah! We're having candies and popcorns and sodas and slushies. I mean what the heck man!" Jasper complained as Henry returned to his girlfriend's side.

"Ok first of all... I bought these steaks, by myself, with my own dad's credit card. Second of all, Y/N's my girlfriend. And third of all... I don't get scared," Henry explained. "He's right," Y/N piped in before taking a sip from her soda. Henry points at her and the two shared a smile.

"Yeah you do!"

"You get scared with your uh, tiny little shriek," Jasper said. "Yeah it's like oh!" Ray said as he mocked the blonde sidekick.

Everyone else followed along and did their own Henry impression as Henry and Y/N denied everything. "I only do that when I'm startled ok!" Henry said. "Yeah. Believe me, I've tried so many times to scare him but so far, nothing," Y/N adds.

Everyone complained once again which made Y/N and Henry groan. "I'm sorry ok? I just don't get scared," Henry said.

"Alright then. I challenge you Henry," Ray declared as both of them stood up. Y/N took a piece of steak and ate it.

"For this challenge I'm gonna scare you. I'm gonna tell you a story so scary it'll... Scare you," Ray said. "Bring it," Henry says.

"And if I scare you... We'll get your steaks," Ray adds.

Everyone else agreed as Y/N watches the entire thing unfold. She thinks this whole bet if pointless since she's witnessed it way too many times that Henry's definitely unscareable.

"Oh you wanna bet? Fine then, let's hear your story," Henry said.

"You're not just gonna hear my story. You're gonna see my story, in your brain," Ray said and Schwoz smirked. "Schwoz, get the story tank," Ray demands.

Henry is now inside a tank and Piper arrived to watch her brother get scared as she joins the bet. Y/N is seated on the couch as she goes through her phone.

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