Y/N Groff - J. N.

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"Jace?" I knocked on his dressing room door before walking inside. I saw him getting ready to shoot Henry Danger and is already wearing his Kid Danger costume.

"Hey babe. What's up?" He greets. "So uh... You know that my dad's like this famous celebrity right?" I nervously walked up to him and slightly glared at his make up and hair stylist, "Can you guys please... Like not be here, right now?"

The stylists gasped but reluctantly left the room and I slammed the door shut. "Whoa there Y/N. What's wrong?" Jace walks up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Uh yeah it's just... Uhm, I kinda, sorta mentioned to my dad that we're dating and he uh... He wants to meet you," I mumbled.

Jace's eyes widened and he began to panic slightly. "Wh-What? When? Is here right now?"

"No Jace. He wants me to bring you to set this weekend, if you're free," I said. "Saturday or Sunday?" Jace asked. "Saturday? He'll be at work," I answered. "W-Work? As in doing Frozen 2?" Jace replied.

"Yeah? Dude we watched the first film like 2 times," I giggled. "Yeah but dad likes you ok? He hasn't given me the "boyfriend" so that means he's fine with you. Don't be nervous, ok?" I assured him. Jace nods his head, "Yeah yeah. I can do that," he said.

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Oh! I brought some food for you and the gang by the way," I said as I walked out of his dressing room to get the box of doughnuts and pizza that I left outside.

"Thanks babe. I'll call the others. We won't start filming while Cooper's not here yet," Jace explained.  He left the room to call the rest and Riele, Ella, Sean and Michael all ran inside Jace's room and hugged me. "Oh! We missed you Y/N! You didn't tell us you were coming over," Riele said.

"Surprise?" I giggled. "Well come on! Let's dig in this yummy food!" Ella cheered.

I grabbed two slices of pizza and gave on to Jace as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Don't be nervous, ok?" I whispered. "If you say your dad likes me, then I'm gonna hold onto it," Jace whispered.


I drove to San Diego to pick up Jace before driving to the studio where my dad, Jonathan freaking Groff, will be voicing the famous Kristoff from Frozen.

The first movie became a hit that it got a sequel this 2019. I enjoyed the first movie, it had a lot of misdirection so I have high hopes for the sequel.

"Hey hey hey hey, no need to be nervous. Everything's gonna be fine, ok? If dad doesn't like you, I'm gonna get Idina, Kristen and Josh to tell him otherwise," I said.

Jace calmed down as we entered the room to hear my dad singing a song that Kristoff will be singing in the movie. It's called Lost In The Woods and the song is giving me 80's to 90's vibe.

"Y/N!" I turn my head and saw Kristen running towards me. "Hey Kris," I greeted and we shared a hug. "How are you girl? I haven't seen you in a long time," Kristen squealed as we pulled away. I gave her a weird look before replying, "I was just here the other day."

"Well, yeah, but it felt like I haven't seen you in forever!" Kristen squealed before hugging me again. Sometimes I think her character, Anna, possessed her.

"Alright alright, enough with the hugging Kristen. It's our turn," Idina's voice was hears. I quickly pulled away from Kristen and hugged the black haired girl. "Hey Dina!" I greeted. "Hey. We missed you around here," Idina replied. We pulled apart and then I hugged Josh, "I want warm hugs," I said. He laughs at me before ruffling my hair.

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