See You Again - H. H.

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"Y/N... I'm leaving Swellview," Henry said as he stared into Y/N's eyes. "What? Why?"

"I've been stuck in this town for seventeen years, I want to leave and explore the world," Henry replied. "But-But what about us?" Y/N mumbled. "As much as I want to take you with me, we both know he's not gonna do that," Henry said.

"But you'll come visit me someday, right?"

Henry cupped Y/N's face as they stared into each other's eyes. "Of course. We'll see each other again,"

Y/N sits up from her bed as she had just woken up from her nap. Her dream was consist of all the memories she's shared with the blonde former sidekick until the moment they took a break in their relationship. Henry's is going to Dystopia and so a temporary pause is the only thing they could do instead of breaking up.

Henry knows he's gonna come back to Swellview someday as Y/N believes he will return.

There has been a few occasions that Ray mentions how much he misses Henry and she tears up at the mention of the blonde, actual name or superhero name, she cries.

A lot of guys found out Henry left town and is now flirting with Y/N whenever she goes out in public but she turns them down, obviously. Heck, even Bose flirts with Y/N at occasional times despite being quite older than him.

Y/N now sits on a couch as her father, Ray, and the Danger Force kids return from their mission.

"Hey peanut," Ray greets his daughter and kisses her forehead. "Hey dad. How's the mission?" Y/N replied. "Horrible! The worse mission I've ever went through in my whole career!" Ray complained as he kicked a chair.

Mika, Miles and Bose gathered around Y/N on the couch. "What happened?" Schwoz asked.

Ray then went on to complain how Chapa didn't do anything while they were at Nacho Balls. It was the first time where a bad guy actually returns to the place, three times, but Chapa didn't zap the guy with her powers.

Ray then had a plan to kill Chapa until the said girl walked inside. "Hey guys," she greeted.

Ray quickly threw the device behind the couch and smiled at her. "Hey girl," he smiled, he then motioned all of the other kids to greet her, which they proceed to do.

"Where you just talking about me?"

"I personally think that's a bad thing to do but Mika was just saying how bad you did today," Ray replied. Mika complained, "Ray was gonna end you," she said.

"Look guys I'm sorry, I know I messed up today. As an apology, I'm gonna go downtown and get some num nums for our tum tums," she said before walking back to the exit, "Byeee," and she disappeared.

"Num nums for our tum tums?" Ray repeated. "I could actually use something to eat," Y/N mumbled. "Want me to make you a sandwich, beautiful?" Bose offered as he stands up.

"No, sit down," Y/N snapped and Bose immediately did as told.

"Henry's the only one who makes the best sandwiches," Ray mentioned, Y/N looked at him with a sad look and the superhero immediately regret what he said. "I'm sorry peanut."

Y/N nods her head.

"Anyways, Chapa's clearly possessed by Finiwinks, the fairy princess of sweetness!" Ray exclaimed. "She's not possessed," Schwoz mumbled.

The genius then proceeds to explain the device he created and it shows that Chapa likes someone.

Miles, Mika, Bose and Y/N moved to the classrooms as Mika checks all the possible things that Chapa likes. Y/N looks up from her phone to see a guy who looks exactly like Henry. She sighs before looking at her phone again.

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