Laughing Fire - H. H.

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"Is there anyway I can stop you from doing this?", I pout while looking at my boyfriend of six months. He wants to be indestructible like Ray and the only way to do that is to get hit by the densitizer.

"Babe trust me on this, please", Henry begged as he cupped my face run his thumbs against my cheek bones. "I'm just worried", I whispered. "Schwoz said it might work without any side effects", he replied and we looked at Schwoz who gave us a thumbs up. I then turned my attention to Charlotte, "Do you have a say in this?"

"I don't know, man. It won't hurt to try", she shrugged. I groaned and wrapped my arms around Henry's torso. "Fine. Do it", I whispered. Henry kissed my head before giving me a peck on the lips and grabbed a skate board. I stood beside Charlotte as Henry did what Ray did when he was young, including saying "daddy daddy, whoa!"

After that, we turned the machine on for a few seconds. Henry is screaming in pain which made me worry.

"Ok stop, that's enough", I told Schwoz who immediately turned it off and Henry stumbled forward. I wrapped my arm around him and helped him regain his balance.

"You ok babe?", I asked as Schwoz and Charlotte. "Yeah... I think so", Henry replied, "I can feel a burning sensation in my throat tho"

"Are there any side effects?", Charlotte asked. "I-I don't think so", Henry lifts his shirt but we didn't see a face in his belly.

"Are you indestructible?", I asked. Schwoz slammed a bat on his head. "Ow!!", Henry winced.

"Did it hurt?", Schwoz asked. "Yeah, you hit me over the head with a bat and-- It only hurt for a second!", Henry beamed.

I grabbed his head, "No marks no bumps", I said after checking his head. "And no side effects?", Schwoz asked.

Henry checked his ears for arms and Charlotte lift his shirt. "No side effects", Henry confirmed.

I sighed and leaped in Henry's arms. We cheered and hi fived each other. Schwoz suggested that we tell Ray. Henry then said that we should wait until tomorrow.

Charlotte and Schwoz did tests on Henry by abusing him while I stood by the side. I refuse to hurt Henry even though we're 100% sure he's indestructible.

It was around seven when we went home. Henry walked me home.

"Hey. Are you ok?", he asked. "Yeah", I answered. "Baby", Henry whined as he took my hands and we stopped walking. "You don't have to worry about me, ok? There's no side effects and I'm fine", he assured me.

"I know...", I sighed. Henry pulled me in his embrace and kissed my temple before we continued walking home. My house is a block away from Henry's so he insist on walking me home everyday.

"Goodnight", I smiled. "Good night", he replied. I kissed his cheek and watched as he left my porch before I walked inside my house.

*The next day*

My parents left early for work and I'm all alone at home. I was eating cereal and scrolling through my phone when Henry suddenly called me.

"Hey Hen!"

"Princess... Can you come over to my house today?"

"I come over to your house everyday, hon. What makes you think I'm not coming over today"

"Like right now. I want you here right now"


"Remember how I said there's no side effects?"

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