I Dream Of Danger - H. H.

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Y/N found herself hanging onto the edge of a den, where there's a lion slowly approaching her. "Oh my God, my powers are so useless at time like this," she complained. The lion growled and Y/N simply growled back at the creature.

"Why didn't I join my stupid brother whenever he does lifts," Y/N mumbled.

"I told you to do some weights," she heard above her. Y/N looks up and saw Henry, in his Kid Danger uniform and she smiled. "Henry! Oh God, help me please," Y/N pleads.

Y/N was with Kid Danger and Captain Man, all of them in their superhero outfit and are at the zoo. And Y/N suddenly found herself hanging on by the lion's den.

"Yeah Y/N, that's why I'm here," Henry replied and held his hand out. Y/N took it and he helped her out.

Y/N breathed and smiled at her friend. "Thanks Hen," she smiled. The two made eye contact as Henry placed a hand on her waist and looked deeply into his eyes.

The lion below suddenly growled which made Henry roll his eyes. "Shut up lion! I'm doing something here," he called.

Y/N can stare into Henry's brown eyes forever and will never get bored of it. She was shocked when he suddenly placed a hand on her cheek and the two leaned forward. Their lips were inches apart and

Y/N jolts awake from her sleep and was breathing heavily. "Oh my God, that was just a dream," she said.

"What was just a dream?" she turned around and screamed at the sight of the guy she just had a dream on. He was a bit close to her face as he stared at her with his big brown eyes.

"Lips!" Y/N screamed as she stumbled out of the couch and noticed Henry in his Kid Danger uniform. Did he and Ray went on a mission without her?

Henry raised am eyebrow. "You were dreaming about lips?"

"Uh giant lips. Not yours of course, it was Max's. He was chasing me around a valley of popcorn," Y/N nervously chuckled as she reached the elevator and harshly smacked her hand on the button. "You weren't there! Go away," she added.

"Uh you have a phone on your cheek," Henry points to his cheek to motion her phone. "I uh... I was talking to Phoebe and I fell asleep," Y/N replied a she waits for the elevator doors to open, "Where is the elevator?"

"Where are you going?" Henry asked.

"I gotta make outta here," Y/N said. "I-I mean I gotta get outta here. I'll kiss you later!"


"I mean uh... I'll catch you later," Y/N quickly corrected herself as she nervously chuckled. The elevator opened and she saw Ray inside. "Hey Y/N! We didn't wake you up cause you seemed tired and--"

Y/N pushed Ray out of the elevator. "Yeah I uh... I gotta go. Byeeee," she said as the elevator doors closed and it took her up to Junk 'N Stuff.

"What happened to her?" Ray asked his sidekick who shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. She seemed panic and nervous when she woke up," Henry replied.

"Did she say something?"

"She was talking to Phoebe before she fell asleep and that she dreamt about Max chasing her," Henry replied.

"Yeah that's normal," Ray replied.


I was FaceTiming Phoebe as she sat around at Junk 'N Stuff and she told her sister about the dream she just had.

"So let me get this straight... You dreamt about hanging over a lion's den and Henry showed up as Kid Danger. He pulled you out and you two kissed," Phoebe said.

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