Musical Curse - H. H.

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[ A/N: I know Bianca's left around season 2-ish but she'll be mentioned in this imagine ]


I opened my eyes to find myself standing in the middle of the hall in Swellview High School. I shook my head and heard the bell rang, everyone walked to their respective classes. I groaned and headed to my locker to grab my History textbook. Right as I closed my locker, I then saw my boyfriend Henry, and Bianca, his ex girlfriend, making out by his locker.

My mouth fell agape when I saw them together and instantly felt sick. "H-Henry?" I whispered. He heard me and stops kissing Bianca.

"What?" He harshly asks me, "Can't you see I'm busy doing something over here?"

"How... How could you do this to me? I thought you love me!" I said as tears streamed down my face. "Love? Are you serious Y/N? Who on Earth would love you? You're a weirdo and a freak. I don't know what I saw in you that I asked you out, now that Bianca's back I realize that I never actually love you," Henry stated as he walks up to me.

"You... You could've just said something instead of leading me on," I told him. "I wanted to! Of course if I break up with to, Ray's gonna find out and he'll fire me. I don't wanna loose my job," Henry hissed, "One more thing... Charlotte and Jasper also never wanted to be your friend. They also think you're much for us. We just became your friends out of pity, also we see each other everyday at Junk 'N Stuff."

"No... Henry don't say that. I love you Henry, please," I pleaded only to feel a stinging pain by my cheek and my stomach ache.

Henry slapped and punched me.

"Do us all a favor and kill yourself,"

"Henry!!" I jolted awake and felt myself sweating. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair while trying to stabilize my increasing heart beat. "Jesus Christ," I mumbled, "Not another one."

My insecurity level has gone up the roof and it's been giving my nightmares for almost two weeks now. It involved either Henry breaking up with me or being bullied at school.

Henry and I have been dating for just six months and we've been friends since he got the job as Kid Danger. Ever since I became a teenager, I got so insecure with myself. I think I'm too skinny and thin, unlike the other girls that I see around me. I also think I'm not beautiful, despite hearing it from Henry and my adoptive father, Ray Manchester.

I got up and took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and hair before wearing a new set of clothes. I left my room and bumped into my dad who was just about to walk into the main room of the man cave. "D-Dad! Hey," I greeted with a force smile.

"Morning peanut. Are you ok? I heard you screaming in your sleep a while ago," dad replied, "Also you've been screaming and trashing around in your sleep for the past few days."

"J-Just another nightmare. It's no big deal. I'll live," I said. "Are you sure? Nothing's bothering you right?" Dad asks. "Yeah. Positive," I replied.

Dad nods his head and kisses my forehead before we walked away.

The sprocket opened just in time for us to hear singing. "What did we miss?" Dad suddenly sang and covered his mouth using his hand. "Dad what's wrong with you?" I sung before slapping a hand over my mouth as well.


Frankini put a curse all over Swellview to make everyone sing and dance and act like they're part of a musical. It sucks! I like musicals, but I never want to be in one.

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