College Visits - J. N.

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I walked inside Starbucks and immediately the smell of coffee and warm bread filled my nostrils and I smiled. Starbucks, or any coffee shop, is my favorite place to work on any assignments. Some find their enjoyment in the library, I find mine in Starbucks.

I walked up to the counter and ordered an iced coffee, paid for it before finding a place near the window. I pulled out my laptop and started working on my essay that's due in a few hours. I go to Cambridge University but right now I'm in LA for a little vacation. I'm only here for about two weeks. My friend told me about a History paper and I decided to work on it. Even while I'm not in campus, I still wanna get my school work out of the way.

I was so focused on my essay that I didn't notice a blonde guy standing next to me until he tapped my shoulder. I looked up and smiled at him, "Hello," I greeted.

"Is this your drink?" the blonde asked while holding the cup to me. "Iced coffee? Yes, thank you," I smiled at him as he placed the cup near me. I watched as he looks around the shop before turning to me again. "Is it ok if I sit here with you?"

"Sure, go ahead," I replied. I started feeling nervous because a cute guy is sitting in front of me and I can see him staring at me. "Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm from London, I just recently got here," I replied. "Hey aren't you that young child star from Disney?" the blonde asked.

I found myself smiling. "Yeah? Well, I used to be."

"Oh my God! I'm a fan of your series back in the days," blondie said, "My name's Jace by the way."

"Jace Norman? Henry Danger, Jace Norman?" I asked in shock and closed my laptop to get a better look at him. "Yes. You watch our show?" Jace asked in shock.

"I watched a few episodes during break. Wow, I can't believe I'm sitting here in front of you," I gushed. "Me too!" Jace replied.

We ended up talking after that and became really great friends even though I'm only staying in the city for two weeks.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room to see the teacher still talking about World War II.

Being in college sucks... Who am I kidding, having to attend school in general just sucks. When I was in High School, I really wanted to go to college already, but now that I'm in college, I just wanna finish school already, graduate and do my own thing.

Here I am, sitting in my final class of the day, History. I love History, it's one of my favorite subjects, but whenever it's the last subject of the day, I can't seem to get my brain to focus on the lecture. Instead, I just want to go home, lay down on my bed and sleep.

I tapped my pencil against my open book while my eyes is on the window, looking outside, beyond the gates of my school. We only have seven minutes left until the bell rang, I looked around the room to see that my classmates are either zoning out, on their phones or knocked on their desks. There were about three or four students even paying attention.

I then looked at the teacher to see her still explaining the events of World War II, completely unaware than majority of her students are not paying attention anymore. I feel bad for her. If I was in her position, I'd end the discussion and just let the class leave early. I'm not gonna waste my time and voice talking when no one's listening. Oh my God, I look like a maniac!

I sighed and looked out the window before pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my social media, smiling at all of the pictures that are posted.

I used to be a child star, a famous one. My platform was Disney. I stared in a few well known Disney Channel shows. When I became a teenager, I decided to end my career and focus on my studies. A lot of my fans have been asking me if I'll make a come back but I tell them that I'm still trying to focus on my studies and find myself. I plan on getting my career back after I finish college though.

I was born in London, my family and I moved to the States where I had a career. Then we moved back to UK. I've always loved the British accent so I had my parents teach me how to talk using the accent while we are in LA.

I come back to La every once in a while to visit Jace. Just last year, while I was there, he asked me on a date and soon we started dating. We managed to work well together, even though I'm not a big believer in long distance relationship, I'm glad we stuck around this long.

I jumped when the bell suddenly rang. I gathered all my stuffs and left the room. I went to my locker, shoved my books inside and closed it again. "Hey Y/N," (Y/F/N) greeted me with a smile. "Hi (Y/F/N)," I replied. "Where are you of to after school? Wanna head to the mall?" she asked.

"All I want to do is go home, crash into my bed and go to sleep," I replied as we walked to the exit.

I suddenly saw a familiar blonde with his back facing me. I felt my heart beat increasing and I started smiling. "Jace?"

He turns around and smiled at me. "Jace!!" I squealed and handed my things to (Y/F/N) and jumped into Jace's arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and I hugged him tight.

"Hey baby," he whispered. "I missed you," I replied. "I missed you too," Jace replied. We leaned forward until our lips met and we kissed each other for a few seconds.

"Why are you here? I thought you guys were filming today," I said after I jumped off him. "I came to see you," Jace replied. "Awe Jace," I cooed and hugged him around his torso and felt him kiss my temple.

I quickly introduced him to my friend before taking Jace with me back to my condo. I have a spare room and he can stay there.

When we got there, we cuddled with each other on the couch. "I missed you Jace," I said.

"I missed you too, Y/N," Jace replied.

"Come on, talk to me. How's filming?" I asked. "Oh filming. It was fun, I had a great time with everyone, by the way they missed you. You weren't responding to our messages in the group chat," Jace pouted. "Sorry. I was busy these past few days. Y'know I'm almost graduating from college, and when I do, I'm officially and finally moving back to LA, find a place to stay and maybe get my career back," I replied.

"If you do start acting again, I can't wait to land a movie or series with your as my love interest," Jace smirked. "Of course," I giggled and kissed him again.


This was requested by: Ricardoissohot

I hope you all like this imagine.

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I love you all so much, you guys are the best.

Stay safe everyone!

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