KCA - J. N.

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One of Nickelodeon's rising star. She's a famous actress known for the role of Amara Collins in Henry Danger. She stared in the series since 2014 along with her co stars who are now her best friends and family. She loves the entire cast, crew and everyone whose worked hard to finish am episode of the show since 2014.

Today is the 2019 Kid's Choice Awards and Y/N is walking the orange carpet with her Henry Danger family. Photographers and fans all cheered for their favorite actors and actresses.

Y/N wore a red red dress and her hair and make up was done professionally. She looked so decent and presentable and Jace couldn't help but think she's so beautiful.

Jace stands a few feet away from Y/N and he stares at her with a smile on his face. Ever since 2014, he admired the girl. He loved how confident, independent and loving she is. She doesn't care about what anyone thinks of her.

Y/N posed for the camera, taking solo and group pictures as she occasionally approaches her fans, signs autographs and takes pictures with them.

Jace Norman suddenly approached her and gently dragged her away. "Let's take a photo," he whispered against her ear as the two posed for the camera. Fans went wild at the sight of the two, screaming their ship name in the show which is HenRa.

Y/N and Jace took a lot of pictures and she noticed how touchy he is. Y/N and Jace's character in the show are dating since whereas Y/N and Jace started their relationship in the middle of 2018. They never told anyone about their relationship.

They approached an interviewer who happily asked them questions. "Alright fans, my name's Susan and here I am at the Kid's Choice Awards 2019 with Jace Norman and Y/N L/N, our favorite couple in Henry Danger," Susan said to the camera as Jace and Y/N waved.

"So what are you expecting tonight guys?" Susan asked.

"Definitely the slime surprises," Y/N smirked, "That is the reason why we never really put much effort in our dress and make up since we know there's a chance we'll get slimed."

"Yeah. I agree with Y/N," Jace nods his head and wrapped an arm around her waist.

Them being all sweet and cute is normal for everyone because they are "best friends".

"So any nominations tonight?"

"I'm up for favorite tv actor and Henry Danger is in funny tv show category," Jace explained. "Nice, this is your third year right, Jace?" Susan asked.

Jace nods his head.

Susan asked more questions to the two before they moved on and took more pictures.

After a little while, everyone entered the building and sat in their respective seats. Y/N was just lucky that she's seated next to Jace. Both teens talked and enjoyed the rest of the event. They made funny jokes to each other and talked to each other as the event went on.

In the middle of the night, Y/N was suddenly called backstage and she left Jace's side. She found her best friend, Jack Griffo standing there holding the orange envelope. "Hey J," she smiled.

"Hey Y/N! There's some changes and now we're gonna announce the winner for the favorite tv actor category," Jack explained. "Ooh," Y/N smirked as she took the envelope from Jack's grasp. She made a move to open the orange envelope but Jack quickly slapped her hand away.

Y/N pouts at him.

Someone called them on stage and they walked towards the microphone. "Hey guys," Jack smirked. "Hello everyone! How are you doing tonight?" Y/N adds, everyone cheered for the two.

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