Ex's & Oh's (Part 3) - J. N.

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While taking a break from filming, Jace left the building and head over to Starbucks to get something to drink and eat. He wore his sunglasses before entering the shop.

He lets out a sigh of relief after seeing that it's not too crowded and that there's only three people before him in line. Jace patiently waits for his turn as he eyes the menu but a certain female caught his attention.

The girl has her shiny (H/C) hair tied to a braid and her (E/C) eyes shone as she smiled at the customers while getting their orders. Her smile was contagious that Jace found his lips twitch to form as smile as he watches the girl.

Time seems to slow down that when it was Jace's turn, he was frozen in his spot while staring at the beautiful teen. She waves her hand in front of Jace's face while repeatedly trying to get his attention. "Hello? Sir, are you alright?" she asked.

Jace felt sparks when he heard her voice, her angelic smooth voice.

It wasn't until a customer behind him nudged him forward that he was out of trance and felt his cheeks turn pink because of embarrassment. He mentally cursed himself when he saw the teen giving him a weird look while giggling.

"Are you ready to order now sir?" the teen, named Y/N, asked Jace. "Yes. I am terribly sorry for zoning out," the tall blonde apologized. "It's totally fine. I deal with complicated orders and customers on a daily basis, you're good," Y/N assured him with a smile, that darn smile. "Well in that case, I'll take a caramel frappucino, iced. Grande," Jace said.

Y/N nods her head, grabbed the cup and wrote down his order. "Name?"

"Jace," he replied.

Y/N nodded once more before putting the cup to her co worker to start making the drink. "That'll be $4.45."

Jace handed her a ten dollar bill and told her to keep the change. "Do you want your receipt?" Y/N asked. "No thank you," Jace shook his head. Y/N nods her head and placed the money in the cash register before telling him to wait for his order before the next person in line stood in front of her.

Jace stood by the side and watched as Y/N do her job. Her co worker finished making his drink and handed it to him. "Have a good one sir, come again," the co worker said. Jace flashed her a smile before exiting the shop but not before catching Y/N's eye and they shared a smile and small wave.

Jace found himself coming back to the same Starbucks everyday, sometimes even twice a day. He became a regular customer that Y/N knows his order and usually gets the drink ready before he could walk inside as she knows his usual arrival time.

It didn't take long before Jace finally asked for Y/N's number and the two started hanging out whenever Y/N's not working and Jace is not on set. They were best friends for so many months before Jace asked her on a date and later asked to be his girlfriend.

*End of flashback*

"Hello? Hellooo? Jace!!"

The blonde snapped out of thoughts when he heard Isabela's voice. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. "What's wrong with you? You've been zoning out a lot!" she complained.

"Sorry! A lot is on my mind ok?" Jace said. "Is it Y/N?" Isabela rolled her eyes at the name of Jace's girlfriend.

Jace frowned. "We haven't hung out in a while now, I miss her."

"I'm sure she's fine! She has your co stars," Isabela said. Jace sighed as he opened his phone and felt a pang of sadness when he saw his lockscreen which is a picture of him and Y/N.

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