Failed Date (Part 2) - H. H.

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The next day, I didn't feel like going to school at all. If it weren't for mom dragging me out of bed and that fact that I have a History exam today, I wouldn't have forced myself to go to the shower.

I did my usual morning routine before grabbing my bag and left the house. Before heading to school, I passed by a coffee shop and ordered (coffee/tea) to wake me up and at least brighten my day.

My two friends Hanna and Jess greeted me when I reached school. "Hey girl", Hanna smiled. "Yeah hi", I replied. "What happened? You seemed down", Jess noticed my change of attitude. I am always happy and smiley every morning and this was totally new to them.

I saw Henry with Charlotte and Jasper across the hall from us. Henry and I made eye contact and that caught our friends' attention. "Did Hart do something to you?", Hanna growled as she glared at the blonde across from us.

"No", I lied. "Then what's changed your mood all the sudden?", Jess asked. "Nothing. Can we not talk about this, please? I just had a bad day today", I begged and dragged them with me to our first class. We're ten minutes early, but at least I can talk to them alone.

No one was inside the room so we find our places in the back before I started talking. "Henry stood me up last night", I blurted out.

"What?!", both girls shrieked. "Sshh", I immediately hushed them with a glare. "That jerk! How many times will he keep doing this to you?", Hanna hissed in anger. "Y/N, he's not worth it. He's missed three dates already and he barely spends time with you, maybe all of this is just a complete joke to him", Jess calmly says to me while taking my hand in hers.

Jess has always been the kind one, Hanna is the badass while I'm a little bit of both.

"What did you do?", Jess adds. "I broke up with him last night. Told him we can't pursue a relationship if we barely spend time together and communicate", I replied. "You did the right thing, Y/N", Jess said as she wraps an arm around me and we shared a hug.

Hanna joins in and once again, I felt myself crying. "I just love him y'know. He's the first guy who truly loved and accepted me for who I really am, not because of my looks and body.... I thought what we had was something that will last forever", I sobbed on Jess' shoulder as Hanna rubbed my back in comfort.

"I understand that he couldn't make it during our first official date because he has a part time job, I gave him another chance when he missed the second date, but not showing up on our third date? I don't think I can handle that", I cried.

"He's not worth it, Y/N. Stop crying over him, I know it hurts because like what you said, he's the first guy that you ever cared about, but he's not gonna be the last", Hanna spoke. She hands me a tissue and I used it to wipe the tears away.

"We're here for you, don't worry", Jess adds.

Henry's POV

"Dude you're such a horrible boyfriend", Jasper hissed after we saw Y/N drag her friends away. "He knows that, Jasper. We just established that the moment Y/N walked past us and didn't even say hi", Charlotte sassed.

"Seriously guys, what do I do? I don't want to loose her", I said. "Well I can only think of one solution", Jasper said, "Tell her that you're KD"

"Easy for you to say Jasper. Bad guys aren't gonna haunt you down once the truth gets out", Charlotte says. "Actually... Jasper's right. My part time job is the reason why I couldn't spend enough time with her. If I want her back, which I do, I have to tell her everything", I said.

"Shouldn't you talk to Ray before making a decision?", Charlotte said. "Yeah, of course. I'm skipping lunch and head over to Junk-N-Stuff to talk to him", I said.

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