Kidnapped By Mole People - H. H.

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Charlotte, Schwoz and I are pushing a huge painting that Ray had made. It's a painting of him as a God (Zeus) and us being angels. It's nice that we're included, but spending thousands of cash on a painting? Dude, I'd rather spent all the money traveling around the world.

"Thanks for ruining my Saturday morning!" I snapped, "Jeez I wish I slept over at Henry's."

"Use your core as much as possible," Ray told Schwoz who rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me how to use my core!" Schwoz replied.

We stopped pushing the huge painting and I let out a sigh of exhaustion. "I'm gonna go put my face on the couch," I huffed and laid down on the circular sofa.

"Turn it on," I hear Ray tell Charlotte. I raised my face to see the painting lit up and sounds were heard from the background. "Best two hundred thousand dollars I ever spent," Ray smiled.

"Two hundred--"


"Say what?"

"Ah! Ok you got me, it was three hundred thousand dollars," Ray chuckled as he walked up to a wall. "Now let's hang this beast of a masterpiece!" He declared while picking up a huge hammer and nail, "Hammer strike!"

He ended up creating a hole in the wall. We all gathered around the hole that looks like it'll lead somewhere. "Call Henry... On the phone," Ray ordered me.

"No. I think I'll use a rock instead," I rolled my eyes. "Hey, I don't need your sass this early in the morning," Ray pointed a finger at me. "Well I don't need to go to work this early in the morning but look where I am now!" I replied while taking my flannel, or Henry's flannel, off of me and tied it around my waist.

"Just call Henry!"

"Call Henry already!"

"Call your boyfriend"

"Alright! I'm calling Henry!!" I screamed at everyone while pulling my phone out.

I'm really moody and mean, especially in the morning, without coffee or food.


"Hey babe. What's up?" Henry greets as he picked up the phone after the third ring.

"Hey Hen, so Ray wanted me to tell you--"

"Don't tell Henry!"

"Tell him to hurry up!"

"You can tell him about the painting!'

"Tell him to bring bagels!"

"Lots of bagels!"

"Everyone shut up!!" I pulled the phone away from my ear and whipped my head around to face the gang and yelled at everyone. They shut their mouths and did as I said. I put the phone against my ear and smiled, "You got all that?"

"You want me to hurry up and bring a painting of bagels?" Henry questioned.

"Just get down here!" I said before ending the call. "Somebody better get me some coffee or I'm gonna start slicing fingers off!" I threatened everyone. Charlotte ran to the elevator and left the man cave, probably to get me coffee.


When Henry arrived, we showed him the tunnel we found and we ended up going inside and went to various places. First we went to Nacho Ball then to Six Poles Over Swellview, which is sort of like an amusement park. We went on different rides and played different games, Henry won me a stuffed bear.

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