Ex's & Oh's (Part 2) - J. N.

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Y/N fluttered her eyes open and quickly closed it when the light above her nearly blinded her. She blinked a couple of times to get her eyes adjusted before looking around the room. She lets out a sigh of relief when she noticed she's still in her apartment.

Y/N sat up while rubbing her head and the door suddenly opened. Riele, Ella, Cree and Madisyn entered the room and gathered around the (H/C) haired teen. "What.... What happened?" Y/N asked.

"We've seen way to many posts on social media about Jace and Isabela," Ella began. "And we all decided to come by your apartment to see if you're alright," Cree continued. "But when we walked inside you were having an anxiety attack and you blacked out," Madisyn said. "Sean, Benjamin and Thomas carried you to your room and we sent them away to find some food," Riele finished.

"You were knocked out for about an hour and a half by the way," Cree added.

"Oh," Y/N mumbled. She then remembered what happened earlier and she leaned against the headboard. "What's wrong?" Madisyn asked.

Y/N looked at her girl friends who all gave her worried looks. "Jace..." she began, "And Isabela... I saw them making out when I came over to see him."

The girls gasped at what Y/N just said as she felt herself cry again. Cree quickly gave the girl a hug as she comforted her.

"That jerk! How could he do this to you?" Ella cried. All Y/N could do was cry as the four girls complained about Jace.

"We're back!" Sean exclaimed as he entered Y/N's room carrying a bunch of chips, pizzas and doughnuts. Benjamin and Thomas walked behind Sean.

They stopped laughing when they saw Y/N crying. "What happened?" Thomas asked. "Jace kissed Isabela," Madisyn informed and the guys gasped before sitting around with the girls.

"How dare he," Benjamin breathed as they all watched Y/N cry with Cree and now Riele comforting her.

"What exactly happened?" Sean asked.

Y/N wiped her tears away as Ella gave her a glass of water. "Uhm... I haven't been honest with you guys," Y/N began as she looked at Cree, Madisyn, Benjamin and Thomas.

"My real name's Y/N Keynes... I was using my mother's last name all this time," Y/N said. "Keynes? Wait... As in like the dude from that trilogy?" Thomas asked. "N-Narnia?" Madisyn asked.

Y/N nodded her head. "Yeah. My older brother's Skandar Keynes aka Edmund Pevensie in the Narnia trilogy," she confirmed.

"I've always hated getting a lot of attention from everyone, I hate it when people talk about me behind my back. No offense to you guys, since you're famous, but I never liked it whenever I'm treated differently because I'm a celebrity. That's why I've been using my mom's surname," Y/N explained, "I moved away from England to explore the world and I ended up here in LA. My life was perfect here, I met Jace and then I met you guys and I'm just 100% happy here."

The others listened to Y/N as she explained her story.

"Uhm... I got a letter from Cambridge University yesterday... It's a scholarship," she added and showed the letter to her friends who all read it. "Turns out Skandar has been recommending me to his professors and principal and they sent out a scholarship for me to start college..."

"That's great Y/N," Sean smiled as he tried to lighten up the mood.

"The letter also indicates that I have to return to England and meet the board as soon as possible... I didn't want to leave right away because it's too soon. I told Skandar to talk to the principal if I could extend my stay here and not start college in Cambridge until next year," Y/N said, "I went over to Jace's to inform him about this but then..."

She started crying as Cree and Riele assured her not to continue the story since they can already tell where it's heading. "We're so sorry Y/N," Benjamin said as he pats Y/N's shoulder.

"S-Speaking of Skandar... He's been calling you five times already," Ella said as she motioned to my laptop where there are missed calls from my brother. "Oh my God," Y/N panicked.

"You are planning to hold back your future to stay here longer for Jace?" Madisyn asked. "Yeah... He's the only one holding me back, if I never met him I honestly would've returned to England much earlier... Jace made me really really happy and..." Y/N stopped talking when she felt her heart ache.

"I don't think I want to stay here anymore," she mumbled.

Her friends gasped at what she said and frowned. "You-You're leaving us?" Cree pouts as they start crying.

"I honestly don't blame you for leaving, Y/N... This is your future that we're talking about and Skandar is basically giving you Cambridge," Ella spoke.

Y/N looks at her friends to see them nodding their heads at her. "Do you think I should go?"

"Yes!!" They all encouraged her.

Y/N pursed her lips before grabbing her laptop and sent a quick message to Skandar.

Hold that talk with the principal. I'll take the scholarship.

She simply typed before sending the message. "I'm actually suppose to be home at England this weekend and return to LA next month, but I think I won't be coming home if I take the scholarship," Y/N said.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's spend the last five days with Y/N and have fun!!" Riele said. The teens cheered and left Y/N's apartment. They hopped in Y/N's car as they went food hopping and had a great time.

The group had a blast for the rest of the day and they took Y/N's mind off of Jace and Isabela. Y/N would never admit but ever since Jace started blowing her off to hang out with Isabela, there are times she would forget that she is dating Jace.

They went through various places all over LA, running around and making a few messes here and there. Y/N enjoyed her time with her friends.

It was around 7:00 when they went their separate ways and the girls all wanted to have a sleepover with Y/N in her apartment so she drove Cree, Riele, Ella and Madisyn back to their own homes where they grabbed their clothes and other essentials before driving back to her apartment.

On their way back, Y/N stared into space which caught Riele's attention, who is seated next to her.

"Are you alright Y/N?" she asked. "Hmm? Yeah I'm fine," Y/N replied before letting out a sigh, "I just don't know how to tell my family about Jace and I when I come back to England this weekend."

"Don't worry Y/N. We got your back, we may not physically be there for you, but we're just a call away if something goes wrong," Madisyn said and the other girls agreed. Y/N smiled at her friends, "Thanks guys. I'd give you all a hug if I wasn't driving."

The girls giggled, "We'll group hug later," Cree laughed.


Here's part 2!!

I'm thinking for part 3 will take place in Jace's side of the story and part 4 will be based on Y/N's side when she's finally in England. What do you guys think?

Thanks for 12.2k reads

Love y'all

Stay safe 💋

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