Catching Feelings - H. H.

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[A/N: I'm gonna use the cast of Stranger Things for this]

3rd Person's POV

"Henry!!" Henry heard his mom call his name while he was in the middle of a call with Ray through his watch. "I gotta go man. Mom's calling me," Henry told his boss. "Tell her I said hey?" Ray smirked. Henry rolled his eyes and ended the call before getting out of bed and walked downstairs.

Henry saw seven unfamiliar teens in their house but one girl caught his attention. She has (H/C) hair and piercing (E/C) eyes. They made eye contact and Henry could've swore his whole world stopped and it felt like air was knocked out of his system.

He quickly made his way towards the group of seven kids. "H-Hey," he stuttered and smiled at the (H/C) haired girl.

"Piper is renting our house to these kids, again," Siren Hart spoke. "Mom! These kids are gonna pay us money," Piper Hart spoke. "I-I mean if it's a problem, we can always just book a hotel room," a tall curly haired teen spoke as he stood next to to (H/C) haired girl. Henry furrowed his eyebrows once he noticed how close the two are.

"What are your names?" Jake Hart asked the group. "I'm Finn," the curly haired boy spoke, "These are Millie, Sadie, Caleb, Noah, Gaten and Y/N."

"Y/N," Henry said, testing the name roll out of his mouth which earned an eyebrow raise from the said girl and she smiled amusingly at him.

"Well if that's the case... You seven are allowed to stay here but," Siren turned to her kids, "We're gonna have to do the same thing we did when you rented our house before."

"I already booked a hotel for you," Piper smiled. The parents let out a sigh and went to their room to pack their things. "Wait, will it be alright if our son stays with you?" Jake asked. "Of course Mr Hart," Millie spoke.

Jake and Siren went to their room to pack which leaves Henry and Piper with the seven teens. "So guys, my name's Henry Hart and this is Piper," Henry introduced himself and shake the teens' hands.

"Do you guys wanna settle in or explore the town for a bit?" Piper asked. "I wanna rest," Sadie and Millie spoke. Y/N pouts, "C'mon let's explore town," she whined and grabbed onto Finn's hand and played it.

Her friends sighed. "How about I give you a tour around while your friends take a break," Henry offered. Y/N beamed and quickly shoved her bags towards Noah, grabbed Henry's hand and dragged him outside.

Y/N and Henry explored the streets of Swellview while chatting amongst themselves. "So what brings you here to Swellview?" Henry asked.

"I don't know. Finn was the one who dragged us all here, saying this town is great and we just went along with it," Y/N shrugged her shoulders. "Tell me something about you Henry," she added.

"Well I'm Henry Hart, I'm in the 12th grade, I go to Swellview High School. My favorite color is red and after I graduate I plan to leave town," Henry explained. "Wow, you have big plans for yourself," Y/N smiled. "What about you?" Henry asked.

"I'm Y/N L/N, I'm from New York, well specifically Los Angeles, but I moved to New York when I was around the 10th grade, in school I met my friends, the same freaks that you saw in your house. Every summer vacation we go to two places we've never been before and as I said, this time Finn chose to go to Swellview. Same as you I'm also a twelfth grader," Y/N explained.

"Are you living with your parents in NYC?" Henry questioned. "No," Y/N shook her head, "With my cousin."

"Good for you. You're living the independent life," Henry smiled at her, "How is it?"

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