Best Friend's Sister - J. N.

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You know what's worse than liking ypur brother's best friend? 

Actually starting a relationship with him and ended up hiding it from your brother. I mean, Sean's already an actor himself, and I'm one of the famous singers all over the world.

I met Jace Norman back in 2014 when my brother, Sean, took me on set with him while they film Henry Danger. Jace and I clicked after that and became best friends. It wasn't until a couple of months ago that we found ourselves sitting on top of the rooftop of my house and we admit our feelings to each other and we kissed.

We started a secret relationship after that, no one knows that we're dating.

It was fun at first, we would constantly sneak around his dressing room in between breaks and whenever I'm not in the studio.

The sneaking around was fun, but then we got nervous because anyone, especially if it was Sean, who would walk inside and catch Jace and I. We didn't want to tell Sean that Jace and I are dating, because first they are best friends. Second, Sean keeps warning me not to fall with any of his co-stars (I didn't know if he was just teasing me with this or he's actually serious). Third if something bad will happen to mine and Jace's relationship, I could not only destroy my friendship with Jace, but also his friendship with Sean.

Sean's also getting really suspicious because Jace and I would share a glance while smiling at each other and seconds later, blushing.

"Thanks for the help Josh! I'll see you tomorrow," I waved at my manager as I grabbed my bag and left the studio. I felt my phone vibrate against my pocket as I fished it out to see a message from Jace.

Hey babe! Are you going to set today?

Yep. I just left the studio

Btw I'm passing by Starbucks. Do you want anything?

My usual order? Thanks babe, I'll pay you back later

Sure thing honey. See ya later

See ya. Stay safe

I closed my phone as I jumped inside my car and started the engine before driving away. On my way to set, I passed by Starbucks through the drive-thru and bought mine and Jace's drinks before driving away.

I jammed out to some music until I reached the building. I got out and locked my car before walking inside my building.

I walked around the halls and found Jace's dressing room and walked inside.

"Hola!" I greeted. I watched as he looks up from his phone from his position on the couch. "Hi Y/N!" Jace smiled. I dropped my bag by the door and handed him his drink and sat next to him.

"How was your day?" Jace asked.

"Good! My album's almost done," I smiled. "Wow congrats, this is your third album already. I'm so proud of you," Jace said. "Thanks Jace. What about you? How's your day so far?" I asked him.

"The usual. We're suppose to do a scene right now but for some reason I keep on laughing at Cooper's face," my boyfriend laughed. I titled my head to the side playfully, "When were you serious when Cooper's in the same room as you?"

Jace chuckled at my response as he playfully nudged my shoulder. "Once your album's done, you better give me the deluxe edition copy," Jace smirked. "Oh yeah. I would also add my signature on the cover and a polaroid picture of me," I teased.

"I mean, I'm not complaining," Jace shrugged. I grabbed a pillow and hit him on the head with it. "Abuse! Abusive girlfriend! Abusive girlfriend!" Jace cried.

My eyes widened as I placed my cup of drink on the coffee table and placed a hand over his mouth. "Shush! You want my brother yo hear you?" I hissed.

He shook his head and I removed my hand. "Speaking of this situation, when are we gonna tell Sean? He's been getting more suspicious with this whole thing recently. Whenever I spend the night at your house, I had to ask Kira Kosarin to cover up for me," I explained while shaking my head.

"Sean knows how close you and Kira are!" Jace exclaimed. "Yeah, but I feel bad for Kira. I'm dragging her into my drama," I mumbled. "I'm sorry, babe. What if we tell him later? He's also thinking something's up between us," Jace replied. He cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"We've been dating for over a month, and yeah, I think we should tell Sean," I said.

Jace smiled at me as we leaned forward and shared a kiss.

The kiss turned into a make out session when the door suddenly opened. "Hey Jace, did you know Y/N's-- AAHHH!!!"

I pulled away from Jace and fell off the couch. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed while standing up and looked at Sean who is looking at Jace and I. "Jesus, Sean, don't you know how to knock? I thought it was just you pissing me off whenever you walk inside my room without knocking, and here you are doing it at work."

"I'm suppose to be the one lecturing you. Were you just kissing my best friend?" Sean asked.

I looked at Jace who has a panicked look on his face. "I... W-well... It was uhm..." I couldn't find the right words to say. I took a few deep breaths and felt Jace held my hand as he stood next to me.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you Sean. Jace and I have been secretly dating," I finally explained. I waited for Sean to scream at us and walk out of the room, but instead we heard him cheer and pumping his fists in the air.

"Yes! Finally! Oh God, I'm so proud of you guys," Sean said as he hugged Jace and I.

"Wait you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? I've had the idea that something's going on between you two for the past few days. You two confirming it just made my head ache go away from all the thinking," Sean laughed.

"Oh thank God," Jace and I breathed in relief and we smiled at each other. I wrapped my arm around Jace's torso as he wraps his around my shoulder and kissed my temple.

"Alright Jace, I'm not gonna give you the "overprotective brother" speech yet cause I know and I trust that you won't hurt my sister," Sean said, "I'm really happy for you two."

"Thank you bro," Jace smiled at his best friend. They fist bumped each other before my brother left.

Jace and I looked at each other and smiled. "Well that's off our shoulders," he said. "Yeah. I did not see that coming," I giggled.

"I expected him to punch me in the face," Jace laughs.

"I expect him drag me out of the building and force me to go home," I said.

"Well whatever. At least we don't have to hide anymore," Jace said. "Yeah. I love you," I told him.

"And I love you too, princess," he replied. We leaned forward and was about to kiss when the door suddenly opened.

"Y/N why didn't you tell me--"

"Oh my God!!" I interrupted Riele and Ella from talking and glared at them.


This was requested by: Krish_778

Thanks to 52.3k reads 🎉🎉🎉

You guys are the best, I love you all.

Stay safe everyone! Study and work hard, ok?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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