Broke Me - H. H.

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That's all I've been feeling since I received the news that my parents are dead because of the Frittle Factory explosion. Mom and dad are great friends with Mr Frittleman so they became co-workers and run the Frittle Factory business.

I remember watching the police knock on my door and informed me that my parents died because of an explosion at the factory. They informed me later on it was because Captain Man and Kid Danger had an argument.

It's been five months and I haven't been the same since the accident. I'm glad that my friends Henry, Charlotte and Jasper are always there for me, but it just feels so unreal that my parents are gone, dead.

It feels weird that the house is empty and quiet, it's wrecking my brain. The silence felt like screams in my head.

I never looked at Kid Danger and Captain Man the same way after the accident. They ruined my life, they killed my parents.

For three months I've been committing crimes, robbing the bank and snatching things from people. It got to the point where I started killing people. I was known as Death Angel because of my mischief. I started commiting crimes out of no where and I immediately became one of the most feared villain in Swellview. I'm surprised Captain Man and Kid Danger haven't tracked me down and put me to jail.

My life as Y/N L/N hasn't been easy lately. I started shutting everyone out and I've been emotionless. I've been shutting everyone out and not want anyone's help.

My friends have tried reaching out to me but I pushed them away and completely ignored them.

One night as I was robbing a jewelry store, I felt someone else's presence behind me. I smirked and turned around to see the Time Jerker. He wouldn't know it's me, Y/N, since I'm wearing an all black outfit with my mask on.

"Well well," I smirked, "If it isn't TJ."

He scoffed. "Please Angel, you know why I'm here."

"Call me that one more time and you'll wake up the next day with no arms," I growled. Time Jerker raised his hands in surrender, "Ok ok, you win," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here? I'm in the middle of something," I groaned. "A little birdie told me you need my help," he smirked. "With what? No one in this planet can help me" I scoffed.

"I'm the Time Jerker after all. I heard that someone has switched off your good side," he smirked, "I'll help you go back in time to save a certain someone from a certain duo's argument."

I clenched my hands into a fist at the memory of what Captain Man and Kid Danger did. I tilted my head to the side, "Fine," I mumbled.

Time Jerker smirked at me and we made our way to his time machine which is located at by SWELLVIEW sign. I felt my heart ache at the sight of our location as I remembered this is where my friend Henry and I would go whenever we want to escape.

Deep inside I feel bad for pushing him and my other friends away. I know they're just trying to help and I became a really bad friend to them lately.

"Trouble in paradise Death Angel?" I jumped at the sound of TJ's voice. "None of your concern," I hissed as I forced myself not to cry.

"Fine then," he smirked and pointed to his time machine, "Angel--"

"What did I say?"

Time Jerker simply rolled his eyes at me. "Death Angel, meet my time machine," he said. I looked at the circular machine in boredom, "Ok?"

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