Jealous - J. N.

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I looked up from my phone and saw Jace, Ella, Riele and Sean enter my dressing room. "Hey guys", I smiled through the mirror since my make up and hair artist are finishing up my hair and make up.

Jace went up behind me and held my shoulders while looking at me through the mirror. "You look beautiful", he said. I smiled at him.

"Hey Y/N. You know who's gonna direct today's episode?", Sean asked. "Nathan Kress", I answered.

"Yep Nath- How'd you know?"

"We talk everyday. I know he'll be here today to direct Twister Sister part two", I shrugged. "Oh. That's all, ok bye", Sean made a move to leave but Riele slammed him down to the couch.

I giggled at my two friends. Sometimes I can't differentiate Sean with Jasper. I felt Jace's grip on my shoulders tighten a bit which made me hold his hand. "You ok?", I asked. "Yeah yeah", he smiles at me before joining our friends on the couch.

I've always had a crush on Jace ever since we met before filming season 1. My crush turned to freaking feelings and now it hurts me because he sees me as his best friend.

Ella and Riele knew and they kept telling me to just admit my feelings and I tell them "no". And just recently, I also told Nathan about this and he also told me to just admit my feelings to Jace.

I chatted with my friends until my hair and make up are done. Suddenly one of the producers came in and told us Nate has arrived.

We walked out towards set and I beamed when I saw Nathan. "Nate!!", I squealed. He saw me and opened his arms when I started running towards me. I tackled him as we laughed and hugged each other.

"I missed ya", I said after pulling away. "Me too, wow we should hang out after this", Nate replied. "I can't. I'm having dinner at Jace's", I frowned.

"Yeah. Maybe another time", Jace joined in the conversation and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "It's nice to work with you again, man", he adds and shake hands with Nate. Ella, Riele, Sean and Cooper joined us and we chatted with Nathan until it was time for us to start filming.

My character is Ray's adopted daughter, Mallory Manchester and while shooting the scene where Piper found out about Henry's secret, I was inside my room.

I listened to their conversations downstairs and heard my cue.

"Alright Charlotte and Jasper know but that's it!", Henry exclaimed.

I rushed down the stairs while checking my phone, "Hey Hen, what'd you do to my father? He's looking for the memory wiper", I looked up and my eyes went wide, "How did Piper get down here?!?", I screamed.

"Mallory knows too? Does everyone in your life know except us, your own family? I mean c'mon, Henry! Your best friends and girlfriend know that your Kid Danger, but you can't tell your own freaking family?", Piper screamed.

"Look, Piper, it's dangerous enough that Charlotte and Jasper know because anytime, our enemies might track them down and kidnap them. Mal's life is in huge danger than any of us because she is Captain Man's daughter and Kid Danger's girlfriend. I swear they are the only ones that know", Henry ranted. I approached him and rubbed my hand against his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

Schwoz gets shot down from the tube and his eyes grew wide when he saw Piper. "Up the tube", he said before disappearing.

"Was that our German neighbour? Because I swear he looks exactly like our Italian plummer and the man who fell from our ceiling", Piper started talking once again which made Henry groan.

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