Christmas - H. H.

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"Hola! Feliz nochebuena!" I exclaimed as I entered the Hart household wearing a red dress, black stockings, heeled boots and leather jacket. I also curled my hair and have light make up on me. Henry convinced his parents that we should all celebrate Christmas Eve in their house, mainly because we feel bad Ray doesn't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with other than Schwoz.

"Hello Y/N," everyone greeted me. Yesterday I bought gifts for everyone and wrapped them up neatly. "Ooh Y/N brought gifts," Jasper cheered as he attempted to search through my bag for his. I quickly swatted his hand away, "No! That's for later."

I immediately placed the gifts under the beautiful Christmas tree as Henry came to me with a mug. "One hot peppermint chocolate with whipped cream ma'am," he smirked. "Awe thanks Hen!" I beamed as I carefully took the mug from him.

"I'm so glad you could make it dear," Mrs Hart said as she gave me a quick hug. "I'll always be here whenever there's an open celebration," I giggled.

She went back to the kitchen to prepare the delicious meal as I sat on the couch with Henry, Charlotte and Piper. "What did you get for me?" Henry asked. "Secret," I smirked.

"What time will Ray get here?" I asked after taking a sip from my drink. "I don't know. I sent him a text but he hasn't--"

"Hello everyone!!"

I shrieked and nearly spilled my hot drink all over Henry as Ray suddenly bursts through the door, Schwoz trailing behind him. "Hello," he waved.

"Ah you must be Ray," Mrs Hart said as she approach our new guests and shake their hands. She then turned to Schwoz, "You must be Schwoz. Henry's other co worker," she smiled, "Welcome to our house."

Henry got up to grab hot drinks for them. "Jasper go help Henry," Charlotte ordered. "No. He'll be fine," Jasper declined. Charlotte gave him a death glare and he jumped over the couch to go over to Henry.

I raised an eyebrow at Charlotte. "Are you gonna tell Henry that you like him?" she whispered. I bit my bottom lip and looked over at Henry who is talking to Jasper as they prepared the drinks. "I don't know Char. Maybe it's best if he doesn't know," I mumbled as I placed my mug on the coffee table.

"What? Y/N, no. You have to tell him how you feel," Charlotte insisted as she lightly shake my shoulders, "He feels the same for you. I promise, when have I ever lied to you?"

"Do you really think so?" I asked.

"I know so. Do us all a favor and just tell him, it's hard to see you two get all oblivious with each other," she said. I opened my mouth to reply, but Henry walked past us, gave the cups to Ray and Schwoz before sitting beside me again. "You ok?" he asked. "I'm fine," I smiled. Jasper sat beside Charlotte and later Ray and Schwoz joined us.

"No crimes so far Ray?" Henry whispered. "Nope. Good thing criminals decided to have a Christmas break," Ray chuckled, "Thanks for inviting us."

"No problem man," Henry replied and they hi fived each other. Piper came running down the stairs and smiled at us, mainly Charlotte and I. "Merry Christmas Eve guys," she said. "Same to you Piper," I replied with a smile. "Ooh you got me presents?" she beamed as she ran to the tree and searched for her name. "I got one for everyone," I replied.

"Alright everyone, the food is ready! Let's all dig in," Mr Hart called. We gathered around the table with plates and took a whole bunch of food. Henry and I ate dinner by the counter as Charlotte, Jasper, Schwoz and Ray returned to the couch.

"I love this turkey Mrs Hart," I called. "Awe thanks Y/N. You see Henry?" Mrs Hart replied. Henry raised his eyebrows in confusion. "This is exactly why I love it whenever Y/N spends her time here. She enjoys the food that I make," she finishes.

I giggled as Henry looked at her mother in disbelief. "Glad you're getting on my mom's good side," he whispered to me. "Your mom has always loved me," I replies.

"What are you and your family planning to do tomorrow?" Henry asked. "I don't know. We're probably gonna head to New York to visit my cousins," I shrugged.

By the corner of my eye, I saw Henry frown but chose to ignore it.

Henry and I continued to talk after that until we finished dinner. We left our plates by the sink and joined our friends by the couch.

"Present time!!!" Piper screamed. Before anyone could say anything, she quickly searched the pile of gifts under tree.

I received two scented candles from both Mr and Mrs Hart, a make up kit from Piper, scrunchies from Charlotte, a gift card to Starbucks from Ray, my favorite book from Jasper and Schwoz invented me a laser lipstick (a laser disguised as a lipstick) and a multi language bracelet (bracelet that can translate words in different languages).

Of course I also gave them lovely gifts and they thanked me for them. I spent the entire day yesterday looking for the perfect gift for them as these people are now some of the most important people in my life.

As for Henry, I asked help from Schwoz to make an invention. I gave Henry a digital picture frame. It can be turned into a hologram and it changes to a different picture of Henry and I every five seconds.

"I love it Y/N. You actually begged Schwoz to make you this?" Henry asked. We are now sitting by the staircase so his family won't notice my gift. "Of course!" I replied.

He reached for his pocket and pulled out velvet box. My heart stopped beating as I eyed the box, "H-Henry..."

I watched as he opened the box to reveal a silver locket. I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"It's beautiful Hen," I said. He gave me the locket and I opened it to see a picture of us during one of the school dance. "I love it," I added.

"I'm glad," Henry replied. He went behind me and clipped the necklace around my neck and I admired the newly piece if jewelry that's seated on my collarbone.

"Y/N... There's something that I've been meaning to ask you," Henry said, "I want to ask you this for a long time now but I have no idea how to say it to you."

"What is it Hen?" I asked. My heart continued to beat rapidly that I fear I might have a heart attack.

"Will you go on a date... With me?" Henry finally said, "And if things go well between us, would you consider being more than friends?"

I squealed and immediately wrapped my arms around him. "Yes! Yes of course Henry," I replied. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and hugged me tighter.

Claps and cheers erupted behind us and we turn around to see everyone cheering for us. "Finally!" Ray declared.

"Hart finally dropped the bomb, yo!" Jasper cheered. The guys fist bumped Henry who still has a tight grip on my waist. Charlotte gave me a quick hug and said, "I didn't expect Henry to drop the bomb on you right away, but here we are."

I giggled at what she said before looking at Henry. "You're the best, Hen. Do you know that?"

He leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose, "You're the best," he said.

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek before snuggling closer to him.


I've been getting Christmas vibes even though it's the middle of the year.

Happy early Christmas 😂

Love you guys 💋

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