Chapter 10

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The next day Artemis asked what the hunters thought about making a semi permanent base in this celestial dead zone. All the girls agreed, the young ones agreed for the sake of Jack, their personal toy being targeted by Zeus. Jack told Thalia that he could easily take them back, somehow able to trace a specific scent from the dead zone area.

Once everyone agreed to make a base there, Artemis left the fire pit, armory tent, mess hall tent, and a tent meant for their newfound need for storage. "Remember girls," Artemis called out while summoning additional tents. "We will still be traveling as normal. Jack will be my link to flash to the dead zone once we have practiced and can confirm it's possible."

Kayla raised her hand as if still in school, old habits die hard. "What do you mean lady Artemis?" Some of the girls agreed not completely understanding why a goddess needs help flashing to a location. "I thought the gods could travel where they want."

Jack came up behind Kayla, playfully lifting her up by her parka hood. "Like Jack and lady Artemis have said," Thalia began, smiling at the hanging girl. "This is a dead zone, which is a blind spot for all, if not, most celestials."

"She is correct Kayla." Artemis interjected. "I can neither see nor sense the area within, including where it is. Once we leave, it will be beyond my sight again but not out of sight for Jack."

The hunters nodded in understanding while packing up their tents and tending to the assigned chores. Artemis took Jack and flashed to another forested area in another state, although Jack didn't know where they went at all.

"Like I thought." Artemis said annoyed with the dead zone's properties. "Can you find the dead zone, or at least my hunters?"

"I had time with Thalia to explore the area my lady. It's kind huge, but now that we left a good distance I can taste it." Jack explained. He found it strange the gods could not find the dead zone, it radiated power that smelled like pine and tasted like mint.

"Taste?" Artemis questioned confused.

"Can you really not feel the power it radiates?" Jack asked turning towards the direction of their new base.

Artemis starred at Jack in disbelief. "You can feel the power of a natural dead zone?"

Jack shook his head, "It's more like I can taste the mint and smell the pine. Like the entrance to it is only  a couple feet in front of us." His head tilted thoughtfully. "I can feel Thalia too, we must be close. It is a good idea, just in case we can't flash there."

Jack looked to his side to find a bewildered Artemis. "Jack, we are currently in Ohio. If you can feel Thalia from this distance then your link with her must be incredibly strong."

"Oh." The wolf tilted his head at her not realizing how strong his bond is with his cousin. "I'm sure we can get back then."

Artemis smiled slightly at his wolfish smile, if it counts as a smile for wolves. "Keep your senses on base, I'll use our link to flash us." Jack nodded at her request, prepared for the first test.


Thalia has been emotionally conflicted ever since she linked with Jack, happier than she has ever been, yet guilty she was happy while Percy was missing. Jack says he should be fine if he really is as powerful as said and she agrees but she still wishes she could make sure he was fine.

Thalia loves her friends, including some males in the seven and Nico. Percy was a different story though, not necessarily loved like the rest but respected. He was technically still younger than her, but he had a strength she couldn't help but admire in someone younger than her. Percy was tough as nails, the best swordsman in centuries, and a sassy comedic relief.

No, she didn't love him as a friend or family member like Jason and Annabeth are to her, although she was deeply disappointed with her. The rumors spread that she cheated on Percy, though she doesn't know the rumors are false. However, she felt like a proud fellow warrior. Both respected commanders and leaders, both strong yet witty even in the most dire of situations.

Thalia was happy yet, like an ancient general, she was concerned for a fellow comrade. She had gotten close to Jack, a werewolf of sorts who would never revert to a human form. She felt a form of attraction to him that she just couldn't describe.

If she was honest with herself, she would say it's similar to Percy. A respected fellow comrade but one that she knew was more powerful than her. For the first time in her entire existence, Thalia felt she could let the walls down and be the protected one instead of the protector.

The bond they shared was unique and Thalia could tell it was extremely strong. Even though Jack could be hundreds of thousands if miles away, she felt as if he was still curling around her. Her very own personal fluffy bed and protector was still with her through the link.

Thalia felt a tug in her chest when Artemis suddenly flashed in the middle of the new base with Jack beside her. All the hunters ran up to them as if they had been gone for weeks on end.

"Did it work? Can we really have a safe place to return to?" Kayla asked. Thalia had stayed behind them knowing her partner was successful.

"It did Kayla." Artemis said placing a reassuring hand on her. "Thanks to Jack," Artemis gestured to the wolf, "we can officially call this forest our home."

Everyone was put to silence at Phoebe's question. "My lady, what are we to do now that we are to leave the boy alone?"

"What we have always done." Artemis said aloud for all to hear.

"Jack says we should also train with him as an addition." Thalia spoke out. "In order to work efficiently we should figure out what we can do together. If our duo is as strong as Artemis says then we could all benefit too."

No one argued the idea, Phoebe and Atalanta even nodded their heads in agreement. "Well then hunters, let us be on our way." The hunters gathered in front of the goddess packed and ready. "We have a pesky manticore to deal with."

With her final clear statement she turned with Jack and Thalia on either side of her and took off. Finally, Percy can get to what he's been planning and hopefully be successful.

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