He fell for what felt like an eternity, all the while looking through his memories. All the people he would be leaving behind. The sisters he loves and so dearly cares for with all his heart. The perfect mistress who actually showed him unconditional loyalty and trust. Thalia, the love of his life, left alone because of his reckless decisions.
When he fell to the ground, the earth beneath him was crushed and left an indent from the impact of his body. His body actually created a small crater about six feet in diameter. A slight dust cloud drifted away in the small breeze.
Percy took a deep shaky breath, he couldn't move his body no matter how much he commanded it to. There was no more strength left to stand up again. The fight is over with this, but the entire world will remember what took place here.
The skies rumbled with thunder, lightning flashed in the distance. Rain began to fall, first as a drizzle, then to a steady pour. Streaks of brilliant tree shaped lights danced above. A show of white light flashing everywhere in the dark grey clouds. Humanity looked on in silent shock as a small storm raged in the early afternoon.
Zeus grabbed the side of his abdomen, leaning on his master bolt. Athena supported her father's side as he looked down at the demigod.
All of the world would forever remember the day the gods spoke out to them. The voice of Zeus boomed. He spoke with difficulty and gasping for breathe. "For the crimes... of treason... and... betrayal! Perseus Jackson... is to be sent... to Tartarus... forever!"
Citizens gasped at Time Square as they watched the scene before them. Displayed on the large screens on the buildings, was the battered body of a young man.
Zeus hefted his master bolt once more. Percy smiled weakly as he saw Zeus pour his power into his weapon. He whispered a sorry before dissolving the link he shared with Thalia.
The most powerful demigod on the planet knew his end was approaching and closed his eyes to wait.
Thalia gasped suddenly and reached for her chest. The hunters and their goddess looked on at their former lieutenant with worry.
"What is wrong Thalia?" Artemis spoke up. "Did something hap-"
Thalia looked up at her mother figure, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Percy. I-I can't feel him."
Zoë set a hand on Thalia's shoulder. "What dost thou speak of?"
"I can't feel him!" She exclaimed angrily. "Where is he?" Artemis said nothing in shock of Thalia's outburst. "Where!" She yelled again. "Take me to him now."
Without further words, Artemis flashed the whole group to Olympus. She focused on the large scale of power in a concentrated place on Olympus, where the gods should be in the throne room. A poor assumption made by the goddess, one she wished was true when she flashed in. They flashed to the edge of Olympus instead of the throne room like she had hoped for. Her worst fears surfaced quickly.
When the hunters appeared with their goddess, time seemed to slow down for everyone. Thalia was already running towards the edge looking at her father as he looked down at the earth. His bolt crackling with power. She let out a pained scream with her arm outstretched to stop him.
Artemis stood frozen at the spot, able to see what was happening by peering into the mortal world. She saw Percy indented into the earth, mortals watching the events on their screens. He just lay there battered and beaten, completely still. The hunters were as still as statues in shock.
Zeus thrust his arm down and released his bolt down upon the earth, before being tackled down by his daughter. Thalia quickly got up and peered over the edge of Olympus to find her lover. It was too late. The bolt was heading straight for an unmoving Percy.

Olympus' Biggest Mistake
FanfictionThe Olympian gods messed up, big time. They believed in false accusations about Percy and Zues feared his power would lead to a mutiny. Out of fear, mostly, Zues banished Percy to Tartarus to suffer. But not before an unlikely camper turned everyone...