Back to school and the third task

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We were back on the train . Staying at Draco's was nice. "Ahhh Georgie I missed you." I hugged him "aww I missed you too love." He hugged me. We stayed the whole train ride cuddling and enjoying each others company and lots of laughing "but I was like honestly woman get it right." Fred said telling us the story about his mum mixing up their names
"Anyway I went to France right I met this hot French chick mhm and we had a little fling right she was so hot I'm telling you." Lee started "Lee." I said "that's my name baby don't wear it out." He winked "oi." I said giving him a death glare "chill out dude." He said to me "I think you'll find I have bo-" I started " ok ok ok let's stop that there Lee don't call her a dude." George said. I plugged my headphones in and put some music on I hummed along time the tune while reading a book. "What are those?" George said examining my headphones and phone. "Muggle stuff." I said to him "oh let's see." Fred said "nope I'm listening to music." I said slapping their hands away. "Anything from the trolley dears?" The lady said "oh two chocolate frogs, a pumpkin pasty, two pumpkin juices and five chocolate wands anything for you guys,' they shook their head 'make that 7 chocolate wands" I finnished paying the woman. "Merlin grace you bought bloody tunes could feed the whole Weasley family." Lee said "oi." Fred said "what." Lee snapped "I think lee's on his man period." I said "um men don't get periods." Lee said as if I had no brain "its a joke god." I said "who's god?" Fred asked "let's not start that." I said "right I'm going to find Katey and Hermione ok hey love I'll meet you at the carriages." I said kissing George's cheek. "Ok babe." He said going for my lips. "Bye boys." I smiled before walking out. "Wow is that grace the one they said basically bought a Gucci store." A small first year said "yeah apparently he has good fashion sense I see that." Another said as I walked down the train

" Another said as I walked down the train

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"Hey grace." Katey said as I walked into their compartment "hey." I smiled "your very dressed up." Katey said "when am I not." I laughed. "Yeah a real icon." Hermione walked in rolling her eyes. "Get over here Mione I've not seen you in ages.0 I said giving her a hug. "George better not steal you away this term." Hermione laughed "no not a chance not when I have my girlies right here." I smiled "oi cant I take her when I please?" George walked in kissing my cheek "no now get out." Katey laughed "what really?" George said being fake hurt "oh my I don't think I can cope." He said pretending to faint "get up you big goon." I laughed "just making sure your safe love." He said kissing my cheek. "I am now let me spend some time with the girls." I laughed "ok beautiful I'll be in my compartment," he said leaving.

We arrived at hogwarts "ugh can food come already." I whined "wow a girl so tiny can eat so much." Fred said "tiny? I'm a pig." I laughed "no your not your so beautiful and kind." George said kissing my temple. "Thanks baby." I smiled "no need love." He smiled back. The food appeared and I dug in taking heaps of food just like Ron. Dumbledore stood up and we started singing the school anthem well everyone sang apart from me and Draco who slightly bopped our heads and gave each other awkward looks of discussed and pleading.  The twins and lee finished last singing in a slow funeral march. I shook my head laughing at the pair of nutters.

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