Play the wedding bells

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Months passed. Me and George were great. Bill and Fleurs wedding was almost planned and a date set for near the end of July. But we were now all in danger, Dumbledore is dead.
"Hey." George said "ahh." I jumped. "Love it's me." He said "sorry I'm just jumpy." I turned around and kissed him. "No one is going to hurt you while I'm here." He hugged me.
"How's the shop?" I asked "another death eater attack on the ally so we're closing for a while and all the kids have finished school." He sighed "are you and Fred ok are you hurt?" I asked "no love we got everyone out and apperated ourselves before they got to us." He said. "Well let's look forward to bill and fleurs wedding and Uh do you have a suit?" I asked "yes it's like a plum because I matched it to your dress."


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"Brilliant." I smiled "now let's head to the order meeting." He smiled and we apperated to the burrow. "Ok mission save Harry- oh lovely you made it." Lupin said.  "Ok so we have planned very well, the selected few will take pollyjuce and the rest will come back here. Let's try and get out before six." Lupin smiled "ok I'll go out my boots on and we'll be out." I smiled "love no you can't risk your life like that." George said "are you sure you'll be ok?" I asked him "as long as you'll be safe here waiting for me." He smiled "always love." I smiled and kissed his soft lips. "Ok now let's go." Mad eye said "uncle Lupin." I said "yes darling." He smiled "be Safe and i can't wait for a little cousin." I smiled and hugged him. "Be safe everyone and George go with uncle Lupin please." I said and waved them all off.

An hour later and still no one returned "what's taking so long." I said tapping my foot nervously. "I'm sure there fine." Molly said tapping her hand on her knee nervously as well. "Oh someones back. "Hagrid and Harry." I said. "And someone elts." Molly said "and blood oh my merlin!" She said and covered her mouth. "Love!" I shouted as I saw Lupin carrying George who was bleeding from one ear and slipping in and out of consciousness. "Oh my dear boy." Molly said fetching clean water and a towel.  "Uncle Lupin um put him on the sofa." I said putting a hand to my forehead. After doing so he pinned Harry to a wall "what creature did you see first time when walking into my office!" Lupin shouted "are you mad." Harry said "what creature?!" Lupin boomed "I-uhh grindillow." Harry said and Lupin let go of him. "I had to make sure you weren't a fake." He said next was Tonks and Ron. Then Arthur then bill then fleur then Fred. "George your awake!" I smiled and kissed him "hi love." He smirked "am I still handsome?" He smiled "so unbelievably handsome." I giggled. Fred came in "George." He panted "Fred." He said. "How are you feeling?" Fred asked "Saint like." He said "pardon?" Fred laughed "don't you get it I'm holy I'm holy Fred." He smiled "in the whole universe of ear related humour you go for in holy." He laughed. "Mad eyes dead." Bill said "what?" I said "oh deary me." Molly said.  "George how about we stay here tonight because it it's to dangerous for you to apperate and we have to be here tomorrow anyway." I smiled "if that's alright with you mum?" George asked "absolutely." She smiled "Fred go get a bed ready." Arthur said "no Molly, Arthur I'll take the couch." I said "no definitely we have a few spare rooms now with double beds I'll go change the bedding." Molly smiled. "Thank you." I smiled.

"So I've lost an ear." George laughed. "It's all bandaged up." I smiled and kissed his forehead. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek "goodnight love." He smiled "goodnight handsome." I smiled. Even when he is the one hurting he protects me.

"Wake up sleepy head." I kissed George's lips. "Mhm." He grunted "come on its your brothers wedding day, I'm going for a shower and then saying hi to my fiancée," I giggled.
"Morning all." I smiled "oh if it isn't my beautiful bride." Charlie laughed "oh my handsome husband to be." I giggled as he kissed my cheek. "She has a boyfriend and that happens to be me." George shouted from upstairs "oh Grace you are so full of Beauty kiss me darling." He said laughing "oh my fiancée of course!" I laughed. "That's enough." George came downstairs I'm only his pyjama bottoms. "Put some clothes on love." I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Right I'm going to get ready good luck up there b." I said and snaked bills arse "oi." Bill laughed and chased me around the table. "Ahh George live save me." I shouted "no I'm not you love." He said being fake hurt. Bill caught me and flung me over his shoulder "Charlie please." I laughed "this O'Connell is war." Bill laughed and put me in the sofa and started tickling me. "No no no stoppp." I laughed "help." I laughed "get off my fiancé." Charlie said "what are you going to do about it bill said sitting in me. "Bill stop being a child and get dressed." Arthur came in. "Thank you!" I cheered "poor Grace must be traumatised." Fred laughed "come on love let's go and get dressed" George laughed.

I walked down stairs and saw Ginny and Harry snogging so I quickly turned on my heel and walked back up to my room. "Mooooorning" I heard George say from down stairs "young love." I smiled and walked over and kissed George. "Love can you put this necklace on me?" I asked "yes love turn around." He smiled "beautiful." He said "babe, why is there a toothbrush in you hole?" I asked "why yes there is." He said "your such a goof." I laughed "but I'm your goof." He smiled "damn right you are." I said and kissed him. "Ok George come help put the tent up." Arthur smiled.

The ceremony was beautiful. We now were all dancing. "Care for a dance." George asked "yes love." I smiled. We were singing and dancing when all of a sudden, a glowing ball flew into the gazebo. It was Kingsley's voice telling us to leave as 'they were coming' "death eaters!" I said to George. I grabbed his hand as we apperated to his aunt mureils . "We're safe love were safe." He said as he held my close and rested his chin on my head. "W-what I-I dont." I could barely get my words out. "Oh thank merlin your safe thank merlin." Molly said as she arrived by portkey. "The order are taking care of everything." Arthur said.  "Get the poor girl a drink she looks utterly shocked aunt mureil said. "Thank you you must be their aunt Mureil." I said to the kind looking lady. "Why yes are you fre-George's girlfriend?" She asked "yes." I said trying my best to smile. "There dearie some tea." She said handing me a cup. "Thank you." I said "I can't believe it." I said shaking my head. "Mum I think me and grace should go home I think she needs to be in her homely surroundings." George said "If your sure." Mureil said "thank you so much." I smiled and with that we apperated.

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