Were safe.

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"Back home," George said "I'm scared George so so so scared." I said shaking. "Let's put a protective charm around the house." I said.

We were sat at the breakfast bar in complete silence. Both worried sick for everyone. "Love how about we get to bed?" George asked and I nodded.
I pulled out a nighty and put some shorts on underneath.

 I pulled out a nighty and put some shorts on underneath

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"Are you ok love?" I asked George "is anyone." He said looking at me. I shook my head. We were both in complete utter shock. "I... I can't do this." I cried "shhhh." He said pulling my into his lap and stroking my hair. "The thought of fighting a war potentially loosing you." I cried. "You won't loose m-"
"Love I nearly did the other night." I said looking at him. "I know." He said kissing my forehead. "I'm just so scared for everyone and Tonks she's pregnant." I said "if she goes or uncle Lupin," I said taking a breath. "Calm down love shhh." George whispered into my ear. "Where did Ron and the trio go?" I asked "they said something about hunting horcruxses ." He said (I can't spell that). "Those three are going to get themselves killed." I said shaking my head. "Your panicking again love breath." He said rubbing my back "I'm going to be sick!" I said running to bathroom. "Blahhh."
"Love you need to stop stressing." George said as I flushed the toilet. "I can't do this I can't-"
"Shhh you can do anything love." George said as I cleaned my teeth. "Love just relax." George said rubbing my shoulders. "Just stop stressing even if it's for a moment." He said. His touch made me Instantly calm down. "Thanks hon." I smiled. "I love how i can just calm you down like that." He smiled and kissed my temple. "But it's 3 am and I'd like to sleep." He laughed "let's go." I smiled.

The next morning i woke up to George's arms around me. "Morning sunshine." He croaked "morning love." I yawned. "Do you want pancakes for breakfast?" I smiled "yes!" He smiled. "I'll go make some." I laughed.

"Breakfast is served." I said putting down a stack of pancakes. "These taste amazing." George smiled "mhm they do" I smiled. "I was thinking maybe we should go and see everyone today." I said "how come?" He asked "honestly to put my mind at rest I need to see fleur ask her a few things." I said. "Something you can't tell me?" He asked "yes." I said "what really." He said "we'll George what is your preferred face cream?" I said "let's see that white one you use it's very soft." He said. "Thank you that really helped." I said. "But yes we can go and see bill and fleur I also want to ask bill something." He said "amazing." I smiled "I'll go get ready." I said.

" I said

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