If you love her you'll let her go

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I had to go somewhere. I liked to go and look at uncle Prongs house. "Uncle prongs i wonder if your up there with aunt lily and uncle padfoot." I cried. I apperated back to Grimalld place. "Love where did you go?" George asked "uncle prongs." I said "who?" He asked "My uncle James." I said "you went there?" Moonie asked and I nodded "James Potter?" George asked "yes, Grace darling you know that's dangerous." Lupin said "I-I know I just go there a lot nothing happens." I say. "Well no going there anymore not till you know who is dead." Lupin scolded. "I'm sorry." I said and walked into the family tree room. I touched my uncle Sirius's place. "Love," George said "why, why does this always happen to me." I said. "I don't know." He said and hugged me as I cried. "I'm going to take grace home I think it's just a lot for her." George said "no I want stay here if there is a war I want to fight." I said. "That's my girl." Lupin said. "So where do we start?" I smiled.

"So Lupin thinks you know who will come after Dumbledore and Harry thinks Draco will do it." I said grabbing a cup of green tea and bringing it over to the breakfast bar where me and George were sat. "Yeah." Is all he said "what if one of us dies?" George said suddenly out of the blue. "What do you mean?" I said "like in the war what will the other one do?" He looked up at me. "Move on." I said sipping my tea "move on?" He said "we have too at some point." I said rubbing his shoulder. "Anyway getting off the sad topic I can't believe bill is getting married." I smiled "I know." He smiled back "will my Fiancé be there?" I laughed "why of course." George said kissing my hand "no not you Charlie." I laughed "oh." He laughed back. "Yeah my soon to be husband." I smiled "wait." George said "it was a joke." I touched his hand "oh right." He let out a breath. "Why did you really think I was going to marry Charlie?" I said sitting on his knee. "No." He smiled and kissed my forehead "you missed." I smiled "oh did I?" He smirked "yeah you did." I said as he kissed my lips. "I can't believe we actually are here being-"
"Adults I know." I smiled "I mean look at us I have a job I mean a job and we have a house!" He smiled. "I um need to talk to you." I said "go on baby what is it?" He asked "I um I still want to run for minister of America." I said "um ok when?" He said "I don't know but I know that the minister for magic is opening and I might run for that." I smiled "that would be better." He laughed.
—-George's pov———
"Ok well I need to head to the burrow why don't you put dinner on darling." I said and kissed those soft pink lips. Her lips are so sweet and taste like strawberries. "Ok be back soon though I'm not eating alone." She laughed. "I promise bye love." I smiled before apperating.

"Fred!" I shouted "George darling very glad to see you but Fred-" my mum said "no mum not the time." Is snapped "mate Fred and Angelina are you there." Ron said "I really couldn't care less." I shouted and knocked on Fred bedroom door "Fred quick." I banged on the door. "Two seconds." Fred shouted "Angi!" Fred whispered shouted "Fred I can't." She said back "over there." He said. "Hi Georgie how's your day been?" Fred panted and opened the door just a crack. "oh sweet lord." I said "can I talk to you?" I said "yeah um give me a minute." He said and closed the door "bye babe." I heard Angi say. "Heyyyy George I um free now." Fred rubbed the back of his neck. "Ok." I said going to walk in "maybe in another room." Fred pushed me out. "Ok what's going on?" He said

"She really wants I do the America thing?" He sighed. "And I know that you still love her." I cried "I-I'm sorry." Fred said and hugged me "I can't let h-her move she can't go to America help me please." I cried "your right I do love her and I've been an idiot about it but because I love her I've got to let her go and you need to tell her that she can't move and I-"
"George, Fred why are there tears?" My mum came in. "It's grace she wants to move to America but I can't go a-and she knows that mum I can't let her go." I cried "dear, she loves you and you love her. She did her N.E.W.T.s. early so she could be with you, so you could follow your dream let her follow hers." She smiled "but-"
"Did she but you, no she helped,"  she said "your right if I love her I need to let her go." I said.
But I didn't want to let her go."
———graces PoV——
"So I definitely can't go forth." I said holding back tears on the phone "I understand, thank you." I hung up and slid down the wall and sobbed. "Love I'm- oh baby come here what's wrong." George ran over and hugged me "I can't campaign." I cried. "Oh baby shh." He said and stroked my hair.

"I'm so sorry." I said as I git into bed "what for love?" He asked putting his Dailey profit down. "For wanting to move to America." I said as he wrapped his arms around me "don't you ever be sorry for following your dreams." He said "I love you." I said "merlin I love you so much." I said and turned to him "I love you so much too." He said and connected his lips with mine.

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