Secret club

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I woke up cuddled into George's chest. "Morning princess." He yawned "I feel horrible." I groaned. I looked at what to wear and then pulled something out.

I shoved my hair into a messy bun and brushed my teeth "that was the best party but the worst hangover

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I shoved my hair into a messy bun and brushed my teeth "that was the best party but the worst hangover." George said rubbing his temples "not as bad as mine." I said getting a pain killer. "What's that?" Asked George "it's like a muggle thing but a lot quicker than magic." I said to him. I don't think he could be bothered listening. "Oh George guess what I forgot to tell you." I said "go on." He smiled "Umbridge asked me to join the inquisitorial squad because she thinks there is a secret group in school trying to go against the ministry." I said "that's cool." He said "I need to go to Miss pomfrey I've got a really bad headache." He said, kissed my cheek and left. That was strange.

"I've got to see Fudge today." I panicked. I reached into my wardrobe to get out a nice outfit so I looked presentable.

 I reached into my wardrobe to get out a nice outfit so I looked presentable

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Perfect. I let my hair loose and put on some makeup

"Where are you going today?" George asked from behind me "see fudge." I said "oh you'll I'm do great." He said but it sounded like a question. I rolled my eyes, shook my head and stormed out. I grabbed my car keyed and drove off to the ministry.

"So what made you run for minister of America?" Fudge asked "well I wanted to be here but I know that America are looking for someone new." I smiled "ah I see." He said "you do lots of extra curricular and your part of the inquisitorial squad very smart." He said "yes I am I also have a fabulous fashion sense and a good political view." I said "i see well set up a meeting with president Samuel soon." He smiled. With that I left the ministry.

I walked into the common room and got nothing of George. He'd flat out ignored me. I stomped up the stairs "ugh!" I said loudly, still no reaction and then I slammed the door behind me.

I was going to the slytherin common room because there was a party and thank god I didn't feel hungover anymore.

I was going to the slytherin common room because there was a party and thank god I didn't feel hungover anymore

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I made sure my hair and makeup still looked good and I put some plum lipstick on. "Where are you going lovely lady." Fred said "slytherin party I won't be back draco said I could crash there." I said and walked to the dungeons.

The loud music blasted "ayyy she made it!"
Montague cheered along with the rest of the slytherin common room. "Someone hand me a Firewhisky!" I said and Blaze did. I chugged it as fast as I could and placed it on the table "ok party people who wants a round of secrets and sins!" I shouted "whooooo!" The slytherins cheered and sat in a circle.
"So Draco have you ever had a crush in grace?" Montague asked. Draco was stunned "umm uhhh maybe." Draco said. "Kiss kiss kiss kiss!" They all chanted. George was ignoring me and he'd never find out. But Draco shook his head "she's got a boyfriend guys." Draco said "awww." Everyone sighed. The game went on for a while and we were all bored of it "hey why don't we play never have I ever?" Montague offered "yeah!" I said "ok I'll go first never have I ever kissed anyone." I smirked as everyone took a large gulp of Firewhisky. "Right never have I ever dated a weasley." Montague smirked back. I took a large drink. "Never have I ever been alone in a room with malfoy." Draco smirked at me. I took another large drink. "Never have I ever been naked infront of malfoy?" Pansy said. Again I took a very large drink. "Really we were 5 also Am I really the only person?" I said and everyone nodded. "Fine never have I ever been naked in front of O'Connell?" Blaze asked and malfoy took a very large drink "Never have I ever been naked more than once in front of O'Connell." Lucan said and Draco again took a very large drink "Merlin." I said going very very very red. "Never have I ever been naked more that once in front of malfoy." And again I took a large drink "we were young kids!" I protested. "Yeah yeah save it." Montague laughed "shut up Graham." I laughed "I'm done with this." I said getting up and blasting the music again.

The party was great. I woke up the next morning thankfully not as hungover as I expected.

I walked back to the Gryffindor tower "where were you?" Grace asked "slytherin common room." I said "nice." Grace slapped my butt playfully. "No nothing like that happened you idiot I'm still with George." I laughed "well he's been ignoring me, if that carries on we'll be over." I said "a new one to add to the list." Grace said while I nodded my head "who'd be next?" Grace asked "I'm thinking maybe Montague." I said "anyway he can't know about my guy list he's coming keep quiet." I said "hey babe." I smiled and he smiled back. "How the stuff coming on?" I asked "fine." He said. No nothing. "Seriously?" I asked and stood up. George rolled his eyes "you know what your being more of a git than your twin was." I huffed grabbed my stuff and stormed out. "See!" I heard grace shout.

"There is definitely a secret club." Delores said
"It's as I believe led by potter and we think a few people from the other houses." She smiled.

I walked back to my common room thinking about who could be involved.

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