Lightning has struck

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"Morning." I yawned as I walked down stairs. "Good morning." Molly smiled. "Now we're having a full English for breakfast so get the boys up it will be ready soon." Molly smiled "I'll go get them now." I smiled. I walked up the stairs to my room. "George your mums cooked a full English, just think of the sausages and bacon and eggs and black pudding mmmmmhmm." I said "mmmhhmm I dead." He said getting out of bed. "Food!" I shouted outside of Fred's room. "Ohh yay." He said and walked out of his room. "Charlie my love food is ready." I said "ah my beautiful bride." Charlie said strutting our of his room and kissing my cheek "Charlie I swear to Godrick." George said.

We finished up breakfast and then I got ready.

We finished up breakfast and then I got ready

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I brushed my hair back into a messy bun.
"Now the order are coming round later as Harry and the others have been spotted in diagon ally." Molly said, I grabbed George's hand and looked up at him with worry "it's ok." He said trying to convince himself rather than me. I let go of his hand and supported myself on the dining room table. "I'm going to get some air." I said and walked out of the door. "I should change." I said to myself but I was to frightened to move "Kingsley." I smiled and wrapped him into a hug "hello grace is molly in?" He asked "yes he's inside." I smiled as we walked into the burrow. "You ok?" George asked, I shook my head "I don't really have a choice though." I said and waited for the rest of the order.

"Good news." I smiled and everyone looked up. "Tonks has had the baby it's a little boy called teddy." I smiled "and Harry is the godfather." I said. Everyone smiled.
Harry has been sighted in hogsmeed signalling to us it was a sign to get ready "lightning has struck I repeat lightning has struck." Came the sound of the small radio in the kitchen. "It's time." I said. We all apperated to hogsmeed.

The enchanted ceiling of the great hall was dark and scattered with stars, and below it the four long house tables were lined with dishevelled students, some in cloaks and others in dressing gowns. Here and there shone the pearly white figures of the school ghosts. Every eye, living and dead were fixed upon professor McGonagall who was speaking on the raised platform at the front of the hall, behind her stood the remaining teachers and the order of the Phoenix. "Evacuation will be overseen by mr filch and Madam pomfrey. Prefects when I give you the word, you will organise your houses and take them in an orderly fashion to the evacuation point." She said. Many students looked petrified. Ernie Macmillan stood up at the Hufflepuff table and said "but what if we want to stay and fight?"
There was a smattering of applause.
"If you are of age, you may stay" said McGonagall "what about our things?" Asked a girl from the ravenclaw table "our trunks, our owls?"
"We have no time to collect possessions" said McGonagall
"The most important thing is to get everyone out safely."
"Where is Snape?" Asked a girl from the slytherin table.
"He has, to use the common phrase, done a bunk." Replied McGonagall "we have put a protection charm around the castle already." McGonagall said.
"Now prefects." She said.

"I know your preparing to fight" screams could be heard from younger students "your efforts are futile you cannot fight me I don't want to kill you I have great respect for the teachers at hogwarts and I do not wish to spill magical blood." There was silence in the hall now, the kind of silence that presses against your ear drums "give me Harry Potter and no one shall me harmed give me Harry Potter and I will leave hogwarts untouched give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded you have until midnight." The hall was silent again every head turned towards Harry. Pansy parkingson rose from the slytherin table. "What are you waiting for someone grab him!" She screamed
Before Harry could speak there was a massive movement. All the Gryffindors stood not facing Harry but facing Pansey, the the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws did the same. "Thank you ms parkingson now if mr filch could lead you and the rest of your house to the dungeons. "Ravenclaws follow on!" She said again as the tables left the hall. Slytherin was completely deserted but a few older Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs stayed and half of Gryffindor stayed in their seats. "Absolutely not creevey, go! And you Dennis!" McGonagall shouted.

"We have got half an hour until midnight so we have got to act fast! A battle plan has been agreed between the teachers and the order. Professor Flitwick, sprout and McGonagall are going to take groups of fighters to the three highest towers ravenclaw, astronomy and Gryffindor- where they will have a good overview, excellent positions from which to work spells. Meanwhile Remus,' he indicated at Lupin ,'Arthur,' he pointed towards me weasley,' 'Grace,' and I will take groups onto the grounds we will need someone to organise defence of the entrances of the passage ways to the school-"
"- sounds like a job for us,' called Fred indicating himself and George and Kingsley nodded in approval. "Alright leaders up here and we'll decide into troops!" He shouted "stay safe love." I said and kissed his soft lips. "You to love please." He smiled "and Fred you too." I smiled and kissed his cheek as the pair left.

I followed uncle Remus and the others up to one of the towers.
The protection charms started to fail. "Dean tell McGonagall we'll need some more wands over this side." Kingsley said.
Death eaters began flying in at an alarming rate. I casted silent spells. "Crucio!" The death eater shouted as I screamed out in pain. "Avada kadavera!" I barley managed to say "well done dear!" My uncle cheered me on.
"Tonks what are you doing here." I said "Tonks!" Lupin said and hugged her "teddy." He said "at home he's safe I needed to be here." She smiled "go home it's not safe." He said but more death eaters flew in.

A death eater named Dolohov flew in. It flashed before my eyes. Time stopped.
My uncle Remus, was dead. I screamed out in pain with Kingsley holding me back "Dolohov you bitch!" I screamed and ran after the death eater. We duelled for ages "getting weak now." He cackled "Avada kadavera!" Flitwick smiled. I ran up and hugged the small man. "Thank you thank you." I cried.

I walked out from the great hall as yells and shouts and the unmistakable noises of duelling filled he corridor. I looked around and my heart skipped a beat, death eaters had penetrated hogwarts. Fred and Percy had just backed into view, both of them were duelling men in dark hooded masks. I went to go and help with hers of light flew in every direction as the man duelling Percy backed off then his hood slipped off and they saw a high forehead and streaked hair "hello minister!" Bellowed Percy, sending a neat jinx straight at thicknesse, who dropped his wand and clawed at the front of his robes, apparently in awful discomfort. "Did I mention I'm resining?"
"Your joking perce I've not heard you joke since you were-" Fred started.

"Freddie." George said "are you guys ok?" I said. Fred was slipping in and out of consciousness. "Take him to the great hall." I said to George who nodded.
After Voldemort said to recover the dead I set off to the great hall.

I dropped dead. There lay Remus and Tonks. "Dead?" I asked madam pomfrey who simply nodded. I dropped to my knees and cried.

Harry Potter was dead. The person I treated like a brother "today isn't my day." I sighed to Fred and George. "You haven't got a broken leg, arm and rib cage." Fred struggled "you haven't got a dead uncle." I snapped "I actually have." Fred started "you git want me to kill you like I killed Yaxley!" I shouted.

"Harry Potter is dead now you will put your faith in me step forward to declare yourselves." The dark lord said. "Grace, Draco!" Our parents shouted. I shook my head "mum, daddy your not even bloody death eaters." I said. "Oh shut up!" Pansy said "I didn't say
nofin' or nofin'." I mocked quoting the British muggle tv show little Britain. "Ever herd the expression you are what you eat O'Connell." She said "yep and it explains why you're a dick." I snapped earning a snigger from the school and a high-five from McGonagall. "Burn, bitch!" Grace smiled. "Anyway Pansy what do you have to do with this?" I said "I Umm shut up, blaze said to crab who told me your parents are spies for the order because Lucius forced it out of your mum anyway crab died and then I found Draco snogging Astoria greengrass in the broom closet and then-"
"Right." Draco said. "Draco." His mother said. He looked at me as I nodded and me parents apperated to me. "Holy shit I did not expect that plot twist." My gay friend Allan comes up to me " I know right." Grace said "bad boy turned into sad boy with no choice." I gasped. "Hate to ruin the moment but Harry's alive and you missed nevils head nearly being blown off." George said "shit all that happened?" I said "yep now run!" He shouted.

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