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The elevator got up just in time, and the group ran as fast as they could...





The group stumbled forward, landing in the snow. A huge explosion erupted behind them, but they had no time to look, they continued running.

Jinx: What a way for an organization to go.
Maverick: By our hands, of course.

Sparrow's helicopter could be seen from above. They signaled a pickup, but that's when a bullet shot near Artemis. It hit her, and she stumbled to the ground. A Halcyon operative survived, and Xeno pulled out his gun, shooting them. He then ran to Artemis.

Xeno: You two go! I'll make sure Artemis is fine!

Sirens were heard as the first responders showed up. What kind of police doesn't respond to a huge explosion?

Jinx: But-
Xeno: JUST GO!

Jinx and Maverick looked back once more, before getting on the helicopter. Leaving Artemis and Xeno behind... The cops tased Xeno, and he dropped to the floor, being handcuffed in the process.

Artemis was all alone, holding her wound. That's when a shadowed individual showed up.

???: That's her, boys. She'll be useful.

The shadow figure ordered Artemis to be brought with him. She didn't know what was going on. With a bullet wound, you couldn't question much. All she could do was let it happen.

???: You must be the one who assisted in the downfall of Halcyon. I must say, I'm impressed, but a task like this won't go unnoticed. You're gonna stay with me, or you'll get a bullet. Am I clear?
Artemis: coughs A-alright, fine... just... fix my wound up please...
???: Oh, we'll do that. We can't have useful info going to waste.

As soon as Jinx and Maverick got back, they told Jackdaw the news. He went through to list Xeno and Artemis as MIA. He looked back at the crew.

Jackdaw: It's a damn shame, I tell ya. Two of our bests.
Maverick: We'll get them back once we know where they are, it's our duty.
Jackdaw: Well, I'm impressed with you lot. You actually pulled through with that mission. Good job.
Jinx: Hey, we do what we are ordered. We're professionals.
Jackdaw: All that remains is the Director.

6 months later, the assassination of The Director was successful. A shot to the head was all it took to take him down. Jackdaw smirked at the corpse of the Director.

Jackdaw: Well, we did it. The Shadow War is over. Phoenix shall always remain number one.
Jinx: So, what's next for us?
Jackdaw: ...I'm dropping out of the game. You can do whatever you want, I don't care.

Jackdaw began to walk away. Jinx reached her hand out, and he turned back.

Jinx: We're gonna make our own organization.
Jackdaw: What?
Jinx: You heard me. We're gonna make our own organization. I know a few people who would make great workers, and they could help us pull off some simple stuff, like bank robberies, hostage scenarios, you know?
Jackdaw: Do you even have a name for it?
Jinx: I do.

That was the day Onyx was born. Two main members were added to the team, Lion and Robin. Lion is the mission coordinator, an expert on stealth, and he left the field a few years back to help coordinate other missions for Phoenix. Robin is Onyx's getaway pilot, and an old friend of Sparrow. She was trained by her, and is an expert of using weapons during flight. She's also known for having some cookies during the flight.

The only thing that remained was finding Xeno and Artemis. Both stayed missing for 3 years. The year is 2020, and, well, something happened...

Someone was found.

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