Chapter 3: Friends Turned Enemies

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Everyone woke up, geared up, and got into Robin's helicopter. An hour later, the crew landed at some apartment in a city. They knocked on the door. A man wearing an eye patch and having spiky gray hair opened the door.

???: Well, well, long time no see.
Xeno: We get it, you missed us old man.
Jinx: Jackdaw... we need to talk.
Jackdaw: Yeah, I got nothing better to do. Come on in.

The crew walked in as Jackdaw took a sip of his coffee. He looked at the group.

Jackdaw: So, how's this whole "Onyx" thing going?
Xeno: Well, it would be going good, but Artemis is still missing.

Jackdaw set his coffee down. A serious look fell upon his face.

Jackdaw: I figured as much. That proves to be difficult, huh? Well, luckily for you, Sparrow is willing to help.
Sparrow: I am?
Jackdaw: Yes, you are. We saw her last at that bunker. Maybe she can still be there. So, get ready, kids, you're going back.
Xeno: Didn't think we'd ever go back there.
Sparrow: Can I get donuts along the way?
Jackdaw: No.
Jinx: Yes, please do.
Jackdaw: No.
Maverick: I could go for a donut!
Jackdaw: Uuuuuugh... fine, you can get donuts, but as soon as you get them, you're going to that bunker!
Sparrow: Alright J-Dawg!

The crew walked away, and later got in Sparrow's heli, flying off back to Halcyon's old bunker. Another hour later, Sparrow landed the copter, eating a donut. The three hopped off, looking for any traces.

Jinx: Where should she be?
Xeno: You're asking a mighty fine question...
Maverick: Let's just... look.

30 minutes of searching, and they had no luck. They sighed. Xeno leaned up against Sparrow's helicopter.

Xeno: Why is there no trace? It doesn't make any sense.
Jinx: Missing cases never make sense.

Suddenly, a transmission came through Sparrow's radio. It was super staticky, but... they could make out who it was.

???: Is anyone there? Hello?! It's me... Artemis... I can't talk for long... but... I'm being held captive... by who, you may ask...

Everyone stayed quiet... Artemis' breath wavered. It sounded like she was in pain...

Artemis: ...There's a new organization... They're mad at us for...

She grunted.

I'm sorry... all I know is that they want revenge... I'm at the house we raided on Christmas Eve... the mission we got Rivera from...-

A door was heard opening before Artemis panicked.

Artemis: Help me... please!

The transmission cut. Everyone looked at each other and hopped into the helicopter. It flew up and made its way to Ontario. Xeno and the crew had very serious looks on their faces.

Jinx: How could there be another organization? There's no way Halcyon could've recovered. I thought all the operatives were killed or left after our attack...
Xeno: ...
Sparrow: It's preeetttyyy confusing, man.
Maverick: No duh! Well, we blew them sky high once... and we'll do it again.

The helicopter flew above the house as the crew slid down the ropes provided. Xeno and his gang snuck around all the new operatives. It was strange seeing this house used again. Maverick unlocked the door using his pick lock kit. They knew were Rivera was when they first got in, so it was safe to say that Artemis was there. Xeno unlocked the door, and everyone went downstairs. The door was open, and two figures were seen. One was bruised, and had a nosebleed, the other had a gun in hand, aiming at the other figure.

???: I told you to comply! This is what you deserve!
??? 2: I'm not... telling you anything!

The other figure got whacked, blood spitting from their mouth.

???: TELL ME!

Xeno pulled out his gun. They knew who the figure being beaten was.

Xeno: Step away from Artemis... NOW!

The figure looked at Xeno. He smirked... and began laughing.

???: Well, well, long time no see Gameshow.
Xeno: That's my old codena- wait, how did you know that?
???: Are you seriously that delusional... I'm Crusader... your old squad mate.

The realization hit in. Their old friend, the one they trusted... had turned against them. A flashback went through Xeno's head... before he snapped back, an angered look on his face.

Crusader: I can't believe you forgot about me. That hurts.
Xeno: What are you DOING?!
Crusader: I'm making things right. You harmed Halcyon, that organization was like my family, and you just... BLEW THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!! I'm bloodthirsty, I'm back for revenge! I have no need to rebrand Halcyon, I made my own organization! It will be your downfall, and I'll start with your little friend here... say goodnight.

Crusader aimed at Artemis, who coughed up blood. Maverick quickly rushed in and punched Crusader across the face. He looked surprised, but quickly got angry. The two engaged in a fight. Jinx ran over and helped Artemis up. She was barely conscious at this point.

Jinx: Hang tight, we're getting you out of here...
Artemis: ...Hurry... please...

Maverick was busy fighting with Crusader before getting knocked to the ground. Crusader was about to shoot before Xeno came in and slammed him into the wall. He coughed up blood. Maverick quickly got up and ran away, and Xeno soon followed. The alarm was sounded.

??? Operative 1: Director, are you alright?!
Crusader: It doesn't matter! GET THEM!!
??? Operative 1: Yes, sir, sorry sir!

The crew ran outside, bullets coming their way. Sparrow heard them all get in, and looked behind her, everyone looked panicked, except Artemis, who had a look of pain.

Maverick: GO, GO NOW!
Sparrow: Sheesh, alright!

The helicopter began to take flight. Multiple operatives ran outside and shot at the helicopter, but they were able to get away.

Jinx: Artemis... tell us... what are their motives?
Artemis: I... I don't know... I... they want revenge...
Xeno: Does this "organization" have a name...?

Artemis coughed up, holding her chest. Her breath wavered.

Artemis: It does...

She fell unconscious. She was still breathing, but they had to hurry.

Sparrow: Got it, going into high gear!

The helicopter went at max speed. A few hours later, they were back at the Onyx base. Artemis was rushed inside to the medical wing.

Lark: Yeeeesh! What happened here?!
Sparrow: No time, just patch her up!
Lark: Alright, alright. It'll take a bit.

Everyone was gathered up. Xeno had tears in his eyes. His own friend... no... that psychopath... that psychopath betrayed him.

Maverick: Don't worry, we're just as mad.
Xeno: UUGH! What the hell is wrong with him?! "Ooh, Halcyon was my family..." THEY TRIED TO KILL US!
Lion: So... he wants to kill us, huh?

Lion walked in, arms behind his back.

Xeno: long have you been there for?
Lion: Doesn't matter. I just never heard why he wants us dead.
Maverick: We blew up Halcyon, so now he's all pissed.
???: Let him whine. All he's doing is starting another shadow war.

The group turned around. Jackdaw was leaning up against the wall, with his arms crossed.

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