Chapter 11: Final Onslaught

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June 15th, 2020. The day of Final Onslaught. Everyone was gearing up, putting on their best gear, getting their heavy weapons, and meeting up soon. Footsteps were heard.

Lion: Alright, this armor should be good enough.
Jinx: You're coming too?
Lion: Of course. They hurt our organization... so we all need to do the same.
Artemis: I like the way you think.

Lion smirked as Jackdaw was at his desk, sending the coordinates of the HQ to Sparrow.

Jackdaw: I suggest getting this done and fast. Marabou can't stand for much longer.
Eleanor: You're lucky to have me, I know the layout of the whole facility. I'll tell you the rooms that are most important.

Xeno was sitting by himself, as he sighed. He really didn't want to do this... he and Crusader have been friends for so long... now they're going to kill him.

Xeno: ...Did it really have to come to this? We... could've avoided this whole war.

Jinx walked to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Jinx: It's okay to feel this way, but if he tried to harm your friends, he deserves to go down.
Xeno: ...right...

He got up and went to the roof. Jinx followed behind, and once they got up, Sparrow was waiting with everyone.

Robin: Big day, guys. You ready?
Sparrow: I'll have to drop you off further from the HQ so they don't sound the alarms immediately.
Lion: That's fine.

Xeno and Jinx got in the back, and the helicopter soon took off. Lion began explaining the plan.

Lion: So... we have remotely detonated bombs. These are like the ones used in Black Dusk, but way stronger. It'll reduce the HQ to ashes.

Ashes echoed in Xeno's mind. That word brought back a memory. They were in a truck, where Jackdaw and the Fireteam had been talking.

Jackdaw: ...It's not going to bring you peace, you know. No solace... no tranquility... just ashes.
Xeno: It's worth a shot.
Jackdaw: Don't delude yourself.

He quickly snapped back to reality. Jackdaw was right... war never brings peace. It only brings ashes. He sighed.

Lion: Once we plant the bombs, we run out and KABOOM! Marabou will be no more... got it?
Maverick: Yes sir!

The helicopter ride took awhile... but eventually they got there. They landed and Sparrow and Robin decided to wait outside. Everyone rushed in, and after a few minutes, they busted down the front door, and open fired. They returned back. The whole HQ had 5 floors. Each one needed 4 bombs, so the team split up. Artemis was in charge of the first floor.

Artemis: Okay, the reception desk is a good spot...

She jumped over the counter and placed a bomb underneath it. She soon peaked, firing at Marabou operatives. They fell to the floor while others continued to fire. She ran past them, opening the door to an office. She threw a bomb in there and closed the door. She continued to fire... she ran into a workshop. She threw one more bomb into there, but soon got raided with gun fire. She ran through, pushing them away, shooting them, and etc.

Artemis: Holy shit... Marabou has quite a lot of operatives...

She continued to hurry around, and found the staircase. She planted a bomb in there, and hurried to help the others...

Maverick was in charge of the second floor. He burst through the door, shooting at the operatives who were on guard. He dashed into a room full of computers, and shot all the operatives in there. He planted a bomb in there, and he placed another one on the outside wall. He soon got raided with gunfire. He pulled out a grenade and removed the pin, throwing it and seeing the operatives fall out the window. He ran into the planning room and planted a bomb in there as well. He also found the cafeteria, and got one bomb in there. He was about to get shot in the end, but Artemis was there to save him. They both looked at each other, nodding. They ran to the third floor...

Jinx was assigned the third floor. Artemis and Maverick soon showed up, and they all began firing. Jinx ran into a room that seemed to be for brainstorming missions. She planted a bomb on the white board. She rolled out, and fired at more operatives. Bullets came from everywhere... but they were able to dodge any wounds thanks to the Aegis armor. They stumbled upon a fitness room. Bomb was thrown in... Maverick called out, finding another conference room. Once again... there was a bomb planted there. Finally, they left a bomb near the elevators.

Jinx: C'mon! We gotta go!

They all ran to the staircase. They all met up with Xeno.

Xeno has already placed 2 bombs while they were doing their floors. Right now, he was firing at operatives, running and knocking them down. He tackled another operative and he soon found the armory. He ran in, took some supplies, and planted a bomb. The rest of his gang met up, and more operatives piled in. They all look at each other.

Xeno: Just like old times?
Maverick: Oh, hell yeah!

They open fired, getting more and more operatives. They soon stopped flooding the place, and they all took the time to patch up using their medkits they all brought. Xeno ran out of the room, and found an empty room. Seems it would be used for something important... nevertheless, the bomb was planted, and they all looked at each other.

Xeno: All that remains is Lion's floors

Lion was on the roof, wind blowing. He planted a bomb on the helipad. Multiple operatives fired at him, but he soon took them all down.

Lion: Alright... three more to go...

He rushed inside, going to the fifth floor, and threw a bomb right in there. He fired at the operatives shooting at him. He shot at the glass covering the shooting range. Another bomb had been planted. Only one more remained... They all met up, and decided to plant it on the roof. Where no one could get it... they all ran down the stairs, and got to the front door. There was a group of operatives all in Aegis gear. This caused them to engage in combat... Maverick threw a grenade as they back up, and boom! They were out of the picture. Lion used his walkie-talkie.

Lion: Our job is done! Let's get the fuck out of here!
Sparrow: Roger!

They all ran out the front door, operatives still firing at them...

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