Chapter 4: Shadow War II Begins

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The crew seemed surprised to see Jackdaw... he retired from the field a while back... why was he here?

Sparrow: LOOK, IT'S J-
Jackdaw: Call me J-Dawg one more time and I'll get rid of your donut permissions.
Sparrow: In missions or out of missions?
Jackdaw: Why would I control you out of missions? Just don't call me that or I'll get rid of them.
Sparrow: Alright, jeez... no need to be an ass.
Jackdaw: Yeah, alright. I'm the ass now.
Lion: AHEM... Guys, Marabou at hand.

Jackdaw looked at Lion, before clearing his throat. Better not get out of hand.

Jackdaw: Sorry.

He then looked at the Fireteam, his expression changing from an angered to a calm.

Jackdaw: Your friend is gonna be fine. She'll have to sit out for some time. Crusader roughed her up quite a bit.
Jinx: Well, what are we gonna do about him? Just let him run around trying to destroy Onyx?
Jackdaw: ...We do what we did to Halcyon. Drop them off the face of the Earth. It might take a while, but I'm willing to get back into the game and take Marabou down. If he wants another shadow war, that's what he's gonna get.
Robin: So, what's gonna happen to me? If you're back in the game, and Sparrow's joining you... am I just... going to be her-

Jackdaw looked at Robin and raised his hand. Robin immediately stopped talking. He looked up and smirked.

Jackdaw: You're with Sparrow now. I'm sure you'll get along just fine. Sparrow flies, and you make sure no one attacks the copter.
Robin: ...just like the old days.

Sparrow was slightly hopping up and down. It had been so long since the two were able to be together.

Sparrow: Oh my god, this'll be so much fun! Let's go get something to eat after this!
Robin: know me so well.

The group chuckled, before turning back to Lion.

Lion: Alright, so, we have a new war upon us, so, I've come to say that Jackdaw and I will be your Mission Coordinators.
Xeno: Just like old times!
Jackdaw: I look forward to working with you kids again.
Maverick: Right back at you, Jack.

Lion crosses his arms. His expression was serious. He wasn't playing around.

Lion: This war... we're gonna get intel and take them down. You can do it as loud or as quiet as you want. Just don't screw it up... we can't afford to lose you four. Am I clear?

Maverick, Xeno, and Jinx all looked at each other. Jinx and Xeno began chuckling, before looking at Lion.

Jinx: C'mon, do you even know us?
Xeno: Yeah, get with the times!
We're professionals.

Lion puts his arms behind his back, and walked back to his desk.

Lion: Good, love the attitude.
Jackdaw: All of you... I hope you're ready. Marabou won't even see us coming.

Lark walked out of the medical wing. He was carrying a clipboard.

Lark: Hey, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting... but... Artemis wants you see you three.
Xeno: Yeah... show us where she is. We need to catch up wit her.

Lark lead the way and opened the door. The heart rate monitor's beeping filled the room. Artemis looked... relieved. Happy. She coughed, but... she seemed to be healing at a steady rate. Jinx walked to her side, putting her arms on the rail of the hospital bed.

Jinx: How... how are you feeling?
Artemis: Oh, I'm feeling great! Everything feels all... nummy...

Lark walked in behind them, writing down on his clipboard.

Lark: I forgot to mention... I gave her anesthesia so she doesn't feel any pain. She'll be like this for a day, but... she'll be recovering for awhile.
Maverick: Lark, you're a lifesaver.
Lark: Hey, I went to medical school for a reason. I'll see you guys around.
Xeno: Later.

Lark walked away, Artemis looked at Xeno, as she gasped.

Artemis: I thought you were in jail! Are... you a ghost?
Xeno: Nah, man. Jinx broke me out of Wargate. Got shot in the arm, see?

Xeno lifted his arm to reveal a small scar on his upper right arm.

Maverick: Wow, that suits you.
Artemis: Yes! It's very nice.

The gang chuckled. It was so long since they were all together...

Maverick: I missed this... all four of us, together, having a good time...
Artemis: Yeah... I'm sorry I wasn't much help the past 3 years... there's nothing I could do... he was so scary... he took me captive... and... and...

Jinx shushed Artemis up, and she smiled.

Jinx: Don't worry, Artemis. We'll take Crusader down. He hurt you, so we'll put the hurt on him.
Artemis: ...thank you, it means a lot...

She reached out and touched her own arm. She giggled.

Artemis: I can't even feel it...! It's... yawn... it's awesome...

She soon fell into the world of slumber. Lark walked by and Jinx asked him if he could watch Artemis. He agreed to do so, as everyone walked out of her room. Xeno had his hands in his pockets. He was thinking about something.

Maverick:'re still mad about Crusader, right?
Xeno: Yeah. He hurt Artemis, and almost shot you. He used to be our friend... just... uuugh, I can't wait to take that organization down!
Jinx: Marabou... what kind of name even is that?
Maverick: It's just as dumb as naming an organization Halcyon.

The three laughed... before Jackdaw came to them. He looked at Jinx dead in the eye. He then smiled.

Jackdaw: You won't believe what we just found. Come with me.

Jackdaw began walking away, as the group stared at each other.

Jinx: Well, guys... are you ready for the second shadow war?

Maverick and Xeno then looked at each other, before smirking.

Xeno: I was born ready.
Maverick: Let's do this.

Jackdaw turned around, his face turning impatient.

Jackdaw: You comin' or what?
Xeno: Sorry! C'mon guys... we got an organization to burn.

Jackdaw began walking again, and the three followed behind them. Marabou wanted a war, and that's what they're getting in return. Crusader keeping Artemis captive... that was the starting point of The Second Shadow War. Who knows what Marabou was planning? Whatever it was... they were ready to ruin it all.

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