Chapter 9: Requesting a Rescue

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It was just a week after the yacht incident. Xeno was at the meeting board. There was a helicopter crash last week on a Steel Cove owned island, and the three people on board were kept there for "private territory". Lion walked in.

Lion: Greetings.
Xeno: Hey, Lion... say... do we have time to be good guys?
Lion: What for?
Xeno: Some helicopter pilots crash landed on a Steel Cove island, and now they're stuck there. I want to help them.
Lion: sigh Do what you have to do. I'll get everyone.

The mission was briefed with everyone. Save the hostages, and don't die. Seemed simple. Sparrow met up with Xeno.

Sparrow: Hey, I just wanted to say... it's nice of you to go rescue them.
Xeno: Yeah, yeah.

He unloaded his Raven's magazine, throwing it and it landed on a table. He put a new one in, and cocked it back.

Xeno: I hope you guys are ready to make some noise.
Maverick: Hell yeah!

A few minutes went by and the helicopter took off, Lion's transmission came in.

Lion: Remember, these guys are Steel Cove. They will use force, so get them off the island safely, and we'll be in the clear.
Jinx: Got it, you can count on us.
Artemis: It feels nice to be the good guys for once!

An hour of conversation later, they landed on the island. They had no reason for disguises, so they ran off into the island... some searching and they found a base. Jinx was about to drill the door, but a hand was placed on her chest.

Maverick: Please, allow me!

He planted a C4, and everyone began backing up, running away. He set it off...

KABOOM!! The door went flying as they all ran inside. Alarms soon went off, and Steel Cove agents are in.

Jackdaw: Nice entrance, kid. Now, get those pilots.

They all split, searching for the pilots. Maverick was the one who found them... in an interrogation room of some sort. All three were in there, handcuffed, and being yelled at by a guard.

Steel Cove Guard: If you don't answer with the truth, I swear to god, I will shoot a bullet through all of your HEADS!
???: We are telling the truth, for God's sake!

Maverick slammed open the door and charged at the Steel Cove Guard. They fell down, unconscious.

Maverick: You all okay?
??? 2: Yes... thank you.
??? 3: Now's not the time for this! We gotta get outta here! Helen, Rodrigo, find some weapons, we got work to do.

Xeno was in the armory, fighting off a lot of guards. He was cornered, but, he grabbed one of the grenades, removed the pin, and dropped it. He soon shoved everyone out of his way, an explosion erupting behind him. He held his arm, hurting it on impact, but he didn't have time... he got up and ran, meeting with the 3 pilots.

???: Good day. I take it you're here to save us.
Xeno: Yeah, good to meet ya. Now, what's your names?
???: I'm Rodrigo.
??? 2: I'm Helen.
??? 3: And I'm Eleanor!
Xeno: Good, grab some guns, we're into a war zone now.

They all nodded and scrambled into the armory... meanwhile Artemis was in the hallway, fighting multiple guards. She punched at one, shot another, and slid underneath a guard and ran towards Jinx, who both open fired at them all. They looked at each other and fist bumped. Maverick was carrying a huge explosive device, planting it on the roof. The rest of the group and the pilots saw him setting it up, defending him.

Xeno: Dude, what's with the bomb?
Maverick: This place will never be operational again if we blow it up... might as well do everyone a favor.
Eleanor: Well, you better hurry up! I'm not good with a gun!

Maverick continued to set up the bomb, while the others defended. Rodrigo was shot in the arm, but still fought anyway.

Rodrigo: I'm not dying today...!
Maverick: And... done! C'mon, let's move!

They all ran out through the broken door, and an explosion set off behind them. They met up with Sparrow and Robin, and they all got into the helicopter. 4 Steel Cove copters began chasing after them.

Maverick: Shit! We got company!
Robin: Hold it still... I got this.

They both leaned out the helicopter, shooting at the helicopter's chasing them. Robin's aim was way better, and the first helicopter went down with ease. Maverick took down the co-pilot of the second, and Robin got the pilot again. Two remained. Maverick leaned in, and grabbed something out of his bag. A Thumper!


He shot one, and it hit the helicopter in the back. It landed in the ocean. Maverick shot another grenade, and missed. He leaned in once again, reloading it and fired again. It shattered the glass of the Steel Cove helicopter and it went down. Everyone cheered, as they looked at the group.

Xeno: So... what happened?
Eleanor: Well, I worked with Marabou and recently went for new postures, but I crash landed on that is-
Artemis: You worked for Marabou?! Tell us everything you know!
Eleanor: ...okay... well...

She began to tell everything. Their HQ location, attacks done, their motives, and more. Xeno sat down, distraught.

Xeno: He really DOES want us dead, huh?
Rodrigo: Wait, you know the leader of Marabou?
Xeno: ...Me and him go way back. We did small little heists and... we got hired by Halcyon. We did everything together... but then Halcyon backstabbed me, took me for granted, and tried to kill me. Crusader decided to stay with Halcyon like the idiot he is.
Helen: Wow... I'm so sorry.
Xeno: Whatever. We're gonna take Marabou down, just like Halcyon, and once we're done... that fucker is next.

The helicopter landed back at base, and they all went in. Lark went to treat Rodrigo's bullet wound, and Lion talked with the other two females.

Lion: So... you have a chance to work with the best... what do you say?
Eleanor: After hearing the red haired guy's story, I want to help you take down Marabou. I can be... the brains. I know all of their bases load out, and Helen over here is great at making weapons. If you want to blow their headquarters sky high, then talk to her.

Everyone met up again, and they were talking about their final plan to destroy Marabou... Operation: Final Onslaught.

Lion: Good job, once everything is set up, we'll be ready to finally take down-

Glass was heard shattering, and an alarm soon went off. A panicked operative ran in.

Onyx Operative: Sir! Tons of Marabou operatives at our doorstep! They're gonna take us down with those numbers, what do we do?!
Jackdaw: ...that bastard... gear up, everyone!
Lion: sigh Well, everyone. Marabou refuses to go down so easily... so might as well show them a fun time.

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