🎇 Night Befores 🎇

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Friday evening, the day before the festival, and according to Melissa, everyone usually comes to the festival grounds the night before as a pre-party ritual for acoustic sets of bands' songs and some possible exclusive interviews from the bands themselves. She told everyone her band is one of the few doing an acoustic setting, but she's more excited to see an acoustic set from, you guessed it, Sirens. Everyone knows how immense talent they have, but Bakugo doesn't get the hype on why people love them so much. Talent? Charisma? Overall stage presence? All of those thoughts are plausible, but Bakugo would rather watch it for himself to honestly know for sure.

The band and Melissa are getting everything ready to set out for the festival grounds in southern LA. They rented a white van to bring their instruments from point A to point B without letting everything being too costly. From what everyone has learned, the festival grounds are near a beach, and if they all packed a swimsuit in case, and everyone's excited because the beach this time around is stunning. If they have time to visit during their busy schedule, and if none of them end up killing Midoriya to remind them, bands consider it highly recommended to promote new merchandise items to gain a following if they want their name out there.

"So," Melissa begins to ask Midoriya, "you guys forgot to make new merchandise for your band?"

"We have some," Midoriya informs the blonde, "we have some leftover from the last tour, but it's nothing too special, it's just the band's EP cover on the front."

"What about those koozies we made with the band's name on it," Kaminari chimes in, "we have tons of those to sell."

"That's a great choice of merch to have, especially at a concert," Melissa exclaims, "a majority of covert-goers enjoy using them. I remember one show I went to, the merch table was sold out of the koozies by the end of the night."

"And what about the price of those," Midoriya asked, curious on how to price them.

Melissa ponders to herself before answering, "koozies sell for ten bucks here in America, along with keychains, those rubber bracelets, and other accessories bands can provide, but it all depends on how well-known your band is. You guys are starting, so five bucks for all of those would be a better option, so people won't expect you're ripping them off."

"Five bucks doesn't sound too bad then," Kaminari smiles.

"Yeah," Melissa gives Kaminari a cold stare, "but setting the smoke alarm off here at 4 AM is. Tell me, what were you thinking?"

"I forgot to add water to the instant macaroni," Kaminari panics, "I'm sorry! It won't happen again!"

"That's what you said the last time," Tokoyami muttered.

"And the last time," Jiro snickered.

"Okay, yes," Kaminari tries defending himself, "I don't have the greatest track record with microwaves," Kaminari looks right at Bakugo, "but at least I don't intentionally throw steaming hot food at someone!"

"You were egging on about dinner that day so much I wanted you to shut the hell up," Bakugo snarls, "plus you fucking pissed me off at school earlier that day!"

"How did I piss you off?!"

"With your shitty impression of me that one time," Bakugo shoots a piercing stare at Kaminari.

Melissa leans to the side over to Midoriya to speak to him, "their friendship hasn't changed, I assume?"

"Yeah, surprisingly," Midoriya chuckles to himself, "I always thought Kacchan was going to kill him one of these days."

They both chuckle to themselves before realizing all of the equipment packed up and ready to go. The trip will last for a good hour, depending on LA traffic, but there's no denying everyone can't wait to see the turnout. With their equipment, suitcases packed with clothes they want to wear for the next two days, and some travel-sized toiletries to keep them smelling nice and look presentable, they're more than prepared.

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