Phone Calls

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The clock striking 11:55 AM, Midoriya is putting some dishes away he cleaned the night before, all to distract himself before he makes a phone call with that one woman who emailed him last night. Now, standing there in his kitchen wearing a white shirt and dark-washed jeans, today is considered his day off from working at his mother's flower shop down the road from where he lives. He lives in a charming little apartment with one bedroom, and one bathroom is adequate for him, as he shares it with no one but himself, which gets lonely from time-to-time.

To him, nothing regarding his current living situation, it's fascinating how things have changed within the last few years since graduating from UA High and how everyone has changed since then, from minor to significant changes. Always caught reminiscing his time in high school makes him feel a lot better knowing he's still friends with a lot of his classmates. He only hopes a lot of them are doing okay, as he hasn't heard from some of them since graduation, especially some classmates, who Midoriya has grown quite fond of for some time.

The clock struck noon, and Midoriya decides to call the number given to him by the same woman who reached out to him the night before. He will admit, he is quite nervous because he doesn't know who this person is and more than likely has a lot of power. His phone rings a couple of times before the other line picks up, and on the separate line is someone he did not expect it would be.

"Hello," the voice on the other line said, a European accent faint in her voice.

"A woman," Midoriya questioned to himself.

Midoriya is utterly shocked; he didn't expect the one who emailed him, and now talking to him would be a woman, let alone having such a sweet and comforting voice. To him, she sounds very patient with the world and appears like she could be the kindest person on Earth, too. Nevertheless, he would have to speak with her some more and get to know her to know the statement is true.

"Are you still there," she asked him.

"O-Oh," Midoriya jumps out of his skin a little, "I'm so sorry! I-I don't know what happened."

She giggles to herself, sounding as gentle as her voice, "it's okay," she reassures him, "I completely understand: you're not used to talking to people you don't know, I assume?"

Taking a seat at his little kitchen table where his laptop locates for him to write down the vital information he will receive, he hums a "yes" in response to her small assumption. She giggles to herself again, resulting in Midoriya to do the same thing himself. He can't help but get this warm feeling he's acquiring from talking to her, even though they haven't stirred up much of a conversation yet.

"Okay," she begins to speak, "before we get down to business, my name is Louise Jassen, but everyone calls me Lou, so feel free to call me that. Second of all, what is your name so I can formally address you?"

"It's Midoriya," he answers Louise, "Midoriya Izuku."

"Midoriya," he can tell she's smiling as she says his name, "it's nice to talk to you finally."

"Yeah, same to you."

"Before we begin this discussion," she opens up a notebook, something Midoriya can hear from the other side of the line. "Mr. Midoriya, you do understand the traveling distance and the relative cost for this all-around trip to another country, right?"

He nods his head and hums in agreement. He begins typing all of the information Louise provided for him so far, and he waits for more.

"Most importantly," Louise continues, Midoriya's fingertips hovering over the keys patiently, "passports, visas, and of course, best behavior, which should not be an issue, correct?"

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