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Closing in onto midnight, Bakugo manages to take a taxi back to his flat with the clothes he wore on tour in a separate suitcase, without making any small talk with the driver. The moment he arrives, he pays the driver and gets out of the car. The car drives away as he stands in front of his building complex, taking in the unlit atmosphere. Bakugo takes a deep breath and wanders up the staircase, advancing his way to the double glass doors that open into the foyer of the building.

The building is a bit quiet, but for some indistinct music and TVs booming through the thin walls of the other attendees. He rolls his eyes to the slight ignorance people have for each other on this floor. He's only pleased to live on the second floor, even if marching up more flights of stairs is more of a hassle this late at night.

His drumming gear is already in storage at Jiro's decent-sized apartment and has been there since their show concluded earlier tonight. Jiro lives in a two-bedroom, one-bathroom flat, with the cramped makeshift studio in her bedroom. She shares the place with Yazoryouzo, who has been sleeping in a separate room. Kaminari crashes at the girls' place from time to time on the little couch at their residency, only when Tokoyami's fed up with his so-called "bullshit." Sero resides with them too, but he's barely at home to create any harm towards Tokoyami. And according to him, Sero is the least irritating out of him and Kaminari.

That has been the same living arrangements for the last three years.

Eventually, Bakugo approaches the top of the stairs and saunters his way over to the front door of his apartment. The same one he's been residing since he first started on his own, the same one he's been living at by himself, paying the sixty-three thousand yen (almost 600 dollars) a month to keep a roof over his head.

Not only for him but for his little furry friend, too.

He puts the key into the little lock and turns it clockwise, unlocking his door. He takes the key out and opens the front door to be greeted by the same scent of caramel he's accommodated with for a while. Not only the smell he's greeted by, but he hears a faint chiming of a little bell coming towards him. He peered downwards and greeted by his little black and orange calico cat, Blasty.

He crouches down and scratches underneath her chin, where Blasty begins to purr at the immediate touch amongst her owner's greetings. "Hi, Blasty," Bakugo coos, "dad's home."

He gets up from his kneeling position and takes a few steps into the kitchen, where he notices a small plate of cookies wrapped in saran wrap on the kitchen table. He sees a little sticky note on top of them that read:

Kick some ass, you little shit.

-Love, Mom

Rolling his eyes at the comment, he leaves the sticky note on the cookies, knowing it would piss his mom off more if he threw the letter away. He glances over and notices Blasty's food bowl empty, but not her water dish. He groans to himself before he makes his way over to the pantry to take out the cat food, and fills up Blasty's bowl to a desirable amount. She strays her way over and begins to eat her food, nearly scarfing all of it down.

"Slow down, hun," Bakugo chuckles, stooping down, "you're going to get yourself sick."

Bakugo practically didn't notice her bright red collar, standing out upon the patches of black and orange fur on Blasty. He uses his pointer finger and thumb and begins touching the fabric of the collar, trying his damnedest not to bother Blasty's meal. He dons a small, yet a sad smile on his face as he recollects the time he bought this collar, and how he ended up with his little brat. Well, presumably their little brat.

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