🎇 Happier Moments 🎇

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Processing every last drop of information like a sponge soaking up all the water, Bakugo stands there holding Kirishima with a vice grip hug he's given him for so long when the redhead had his doubts or felt so low. No words can describe how Bakugo feels deep down on the inside, and it's obvious the same person he loved for so long has been through hell. Maybe he's a fucking idiot for wanting Kirishima after leaving him the way he did, but there's not a fiber in his being that genuinely hates him. He can hate anyone he wants for pulling a ridiculous stunt such as that, but for some reason, Kirishima is the only exception when it comes to idiotic stuff such as that. Regardless, he's back, and that's all Bakugo cares about the most.

"I'm sorry I never gave you a reason," Kirishima whimpered. He looks right into Bakugo's eyes, unable to read them. "What–"

"–just get over here, you dumbass," Bakugo muttered and did something shocking the other male.

Bakugo cups Kirishima's face gently, and he presses his lips against the redhead's ever so slowly. It takes the redhead some time to process what's going on, but it registers when his mind stops going a mile a minute. The ash-blond male feels the other kiss him back, and he can't help but feel grateful they're together once again. Every hardship thrown their way during their time apart can slip away, a distant memory leaving their mind while holding each other close. Their heartbeats are in sync with each other, beating rapidly, and trying to accept this is a reality in their wake. Indeed it is reality, but their minds are still trying to process the moment both men been waiting for: reuniting.

They pull away carefully, and the somewhat shorter redheaded male moves to wrap his arms around the marginally taller blond male's neck. Nuzzling his nose in the crook, he breathes in the all too familiar scent of his cologne the ash-blond wears so well. Bakugo's arms wrap around his waist, holding him tightly, never wanting to let go of him again. He rests his chin on his shoulder as he couldn't help but have a few loose tears fall down his cheeks, not wanting to hide his real emotions. Kirishima holds the other male tighter in his embrace, smiling so vast, the same group watching them can readily admit they haven't seen him smile like that in so long it's nearly a strange sight.

"I've missed you so much," Kirishima whispered.

"Yeah, me too," Bakugo admitted. He wears a small, genuine smile on his face, enjoying the moment, not worried about what may come next in the future, and finally understands his emotions.

The ash-blond male knows this isn't any other uncanny emotion talking or making him feel this way, but this is pure love and desire burning deep within his heart and soul. Both men waited for years for something like this to happen again. After Bakugo finally became patient enough for Kirishima to open up to him, he knew one way to make him understand how he feels now. He never lost a single feeling for Kirishima, for he cared about him too much to start hating him. As for Kirishima, he felt guilty, hating himself for leaving him behind, and thankful the ash-blond male still cares about him.

Foreheads pressed against each other's, they start smiling like they were in high school again, first time confessing their love for each other. They were sixteen then, now they're in their early twenties, and all of this still feels new after each time. Words couldn't describe how perfect this moment is; neither of them wants to break the silence leaving them in a blissful state. The moment is all too precious to them. The moment where everything finally fell back into place once again, and it's a moment neither of them won't forget.

"About damn time they made up," Kaminari joked.

"Fuck yeah, Red," Lynnette hollered out.

Bella looks over at Louise, who dons a small, yet a sad smile on her face as the two boys smile at each other full of pure, indescribable love. The brunette knows how much care the platinum-blonde woman has for Kirishima and only hopes for nothing for the best for both of them. But this smile Louise has is a mix between grateful but also weary, hoping nothing terrible happens to them and their rediscovered romance. "Don't worry, I'm worried too," the brunette mumbled to the platinum-blonde woman. The rest of the girls feel the same way; however, some of them are still hesitant if those two should be together after what each other went through emotionally.

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