Chapter 30

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I'm tired of this now. I have two more dates to show Aria that i'm worth it for her but what's the point? I know she wants me just as much as I want her. However, if I ever do start dating her, she'll need to know about me and my gang life. Fuck. I think of a plan and call Paul. I need to attack Drew's gang and catch them off guard before I even start with Aria. Man this shit will take long to plan. I sighed in frustration.

"Hey Paul, it's time." I said as Paul accepted my call.


It's been two days since my date with Harry. To say I was head over heels for him was an understatement. I was crazy about him. Harry had promised that we were going to have our second date today or tomorrow which I'm super excited about. I smiled to myself and picked up my phone just as my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and smiled. 

"Hey Danny!" I yelled into the phone. 

"Well somebody sure did miss me." He chuckled on the phone.

I smiled, "you could say that."

"Woah woah woah, what's gotten you in such a good mood today?" Danny asked. I smiled and told him all about me and my 'neighbor' aka Harry. He wolf whistled and congratulated me to which I thanked.  We then agreed on meeting at Starbucks where we first met in a couple of minutes. 

I got up and put on my black yoga pants, a maroon long sleeved sweater, and my chestnut uggs since it was really cold now. I walked downstairs and out the door, locking it and heading off to Starbucks.

I reached there in about 5 minutes. I immediately spotted Drew sitting at the same seat we were before and ran to the booth and smacked the back of his head.

"Aria my hair!" He groaned and fixed it as I laughed and gave him a side hug. 

"Hey there buddy what made you miss me today?" I asked and he smiled.

"I want to show you something. I want to introduce you to my gang. Don't worry, I just want to make sure they know who you are, my gang is pretty big and tend to get carried away sometimes." Danny said, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 

"You're not going to bring me in some alley and kill me right?" I asked to lighten the mood a bit.

"Oh god Aria no, you're like a sister to me." Danny laughed and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled and stood up and waved to David. 

"Well let's not waste anymore time and lets go!" I yelled and Danny chuckled before walking out of the small cafe. 

Danny led me to his 2015 White BMW m4 and hopped into the drivers side as I slid into the passenger side.

"Fancy car there buddy." I smirked

"Yeah, yeah." Drew chuckled. 

We were driving for about 20 minutes and we arrived at this old looking warehouse which gave me chills. I looked at Danny and he gave me a reassuring smile and told me to come on. I opened the door and saw how empty everything looked. This warehouse was in the middle of nowhere! Danny led me inside by putting his hand on the small of my back urging me to go in because apparently I was taking too long. I reached to the doors and took in a deep breath as Danny opened the doors and we walked in. I walked in and received questioning stares from almost everybody there. 

Danny cleared his throat and led me to a sunken seating sofa which was huge and beautiful. He then introduced me to his gang and told them to all welcome me as a sister. Everybody then smiled and greeted me with hugs and kisses to the cheek. 

"Hey Aria it was nice to meet you but you have to get out of here if you want to live." This mysterious guy that looked to be about 18 said nervously. 

"Excuse me?" I said just as Danny asked him what he was talking about.

"The Rival Gang is here and I'm positive that they are planning on attacking us today as in about 2 minutes." The mysterious guy said to Danny, talking at a fast-pace.

"Fuck, Jace surround the house!" Danny yelled and barked orders at people. 

"I'm so sorry sis, I didn't know I would practically lead you to your death here. But don't worry, I will protect you with everything even if it costs you my life." Danny promised and led me upstairs and told me to stay in the bathroom unless he himself or Jace leads me out. I nod and he kisses my head, getting out his gun and locking the bathroom door. I start banging on the door. I can't stay in here while people are dying downstairs! I pace around the bathroom frantically and look out the window. This bathroom was on the second floor and if I jumped down I would surely break my  bones. I paced around for about 5 minutes and heard a gunshot. My eyes went wide and I completely lost it. I was kicking the door, trying to break it but it wouldn't budge. I looked around and found a pocket knife near the cabinet and easily picked the lock with it. 

As soon as the door opened, I ran downstairs to where I heard another gun shot and screamed. I ran all the way to the front door, ready to face Danny's rival gang and talk it out with them. As soon as I made it to the front door, Jace pushed me to the side. 

"No Aria! Go back upstairs this isn't safe!"  Jace yelled. 

"No let me go!" I yelled and he man-handled me half-way up the stairs but I kicked him in his crotch hard. 

"What the fuck!" He yelled, clutching onto his man-hood. I patted his shoulder and ran out the front door and let out an ear-piercing scream. Danny immediately came over to me and asked me if I was hurt and etc. 

"Danny i'm fine just stand here and let me handle this!" I yelled at him.

"Aria you could get fucking killed right now! Go back upstairs and save your fucking life!" Danny shook me in anger and hid me behind himself as he heard a gunshot. 

"Fight like a fucking man and stop causing distractions." I heard a very familiar voice speak. Harry?!

I immediately poked my head and screamed.

"Harry!" I yelled and he immediately snapped his gaze to me and looked at me with so much anger.

"What the fuck is this Aria? What are you doing with Danny? Come here right now!" His voice boomed with anger and I flinched. 

"This is the rival gang and your ex best-friend?" I asked Danny, avoiding Harry. Danny nodded. 

"What a small world, Danny, meet my 'neighbor' Harry." I said to Danny and he looked at my face in shock. 

 "Sis please go inside I don't want you getting hurt." Danny pleaded and I almost even went back inside. 

"Sorry Dan." I whispered and kissed his cheek before running towards the middle of the ground where Harry and Dan stood at one end.

"Danny I never expected you to go this low by taking my fucking girl. I can't even look at you the same anymore." Harry spat with so much disgust. Danny opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off with my hand.

"Harry stop. Everybody stop and put your fucking guns down!" I shouted and waited for everybody to comply. As I noticed that they did, I continued.

"Danny is like a brother to me, Harry. He was there for me when you mysteriously left to go somewhere and had Paul babysit me. Who knew that you guys were a rival gang. If anybody even dares to tell me how dangerous all of this I will cut your balls off and feed them to you myself. I don't give a fuck about how dangerous they are, i'm already involved. Quite funny how i'm involved with both of the leaders." I paused and gave a bitter laugh.

"Stop fucking fighting. I know the story and why the fuck you guys are fighting so just stop. It's not worth it. If any of Harry's gang members dare to hurt Danny or his gang, or vice versa, I will leave in a heartbeat. I mean it." I say and don't notice that i'm walking towards Harry in anger. 

"Stop this is fucking ridic-" I never got to finish my sentence as Harry pulled me to him by my forearm and muttered a 'Sorry babe' before putting a white cloth over my mouth. Darkness soon surrounded me and I felt myself going into a deep slumber.



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