Chapter 2: Dinner with the bad boy

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After I told my mom that Anne was coming by at 7, I ran upstairs  to get ready. I walked into my walk-in closet and went to the casual section of my closet. What to wear, what to wear. After about 10 minutes, I picked out purple shirt that had a purple flowy bow in the middle and a pink, purple and sky blue shirt that was long in the back and short in the front with my tannish creamish 2-3 inch heels. (A/N:Link of outfit: I added some purple long earrings and a pink sky blue bracelet to complete the look. After I was satisfied with my outfit for the night, I quickly stripped off and hopped into the shower. Harry was still in my mind and I kept thinking about him. I don't know why, but it felt like I was so close to him but yet so far. Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I silently took my shower. 

After I was done with my shower, I checked the time and it was 6:30. Shit. 30 more minutes till they get here. I quickly put on a little bit of mascara and a little concealer. I didn't really feel like putting a lot of makeup on today, but I had to look presentable. I sighed and finished the final touches with some pink lipstick. I took out my other pair of black lace bra and panties, and put them on followed by my outfit. Just as I was done, the doorbell rang. There hereee! I don't know why but I have this weird feeling in my stomach. I think I was....nervous? I wasn't nervous because of Anne, it was something else. What the hell is going on?! 

I ran downstairs and opened the door to be greeted by Anne and another girl that looked like she was about 17, the same age as me. The girl noticed me staring at her and she waved her hands in front of my face and laughed. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and greeted Anne and the girl, who's name I figured out was Gemma, Gemma Styles and hugged them both. My mom then led them to the living room to sit. Just as they sat down, I was about to close the door but it wouldn't close. What the hell? I kept pushing it closed with my arms but it wouldn't even move. I was about to call my mom but couldn't due to our guests. Shit, what do I do?! I then tried closing it with my lower back but it still didn't work.  I then went outside to see why and just as I was about to go outside, I bumped into something hard. Really hard. I kept waiting for the impact and closed my eyes clutching some type of fabric or shirt and----. Wait. Fabric, shirt, What?! I looked up to see a smirking Harry. I was happy but annoyed to see him. I accidentally stepped on his foot with my heel and we both fell back outside onto our 'Welcome' mat. Harry fell on the mat and I fell right on top of Harry. One leg slammed against his man area hard that was between his legs and the other on his left side. I was practically straddling him. 

"I'm soooooo sorry Harry I didn't mean to, I just stumbled on my heels and the door wasn't closing and there are new neighbors in our house and I didn't kn-" I was stopped in the middle of my sentence by Harry's hand on my mouth. He had a grin on his face and he looked amused. 

"I get it babe, your sorry but you'll have to pay for hurting my harry jr twice." He pouted and looked at me. I was confused. Harry jr? He was pregnant? WHAT? how?! I opened my eyes wide and was about to say something but his hand was still there. He noticed my confusion and chuckled. 

"I was talking about my dick, babe." I gasped at how straight up he was about it but then looked down to see my upper thigh on his 'Harry jr'. 

I was about to get off of him but he wrapped an arm around my waist and kept his hand over my mouth. I licked his palm to make him move his hands around me and I succeeded. But wait, how did he get here? How does he even know where I live?!

"Um Harry, how do you know where I live? What are you doing here? Are you stalking me? Are you tryi-" I was cut short again because his hand covered my mouth. Again. 

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