3- time for a change

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time for a change

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time for a change


The Delacour House

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"I'm so happy we didn't have to go on that walk." Fleur exaggerated which made Alula and Gabbie laugh.

Fleur had just returned from getting two trunks which Alula would pack her life into along with her school bag. They started with clothes. Alula had a variety of clothes- jeans and dresses; t-shirts and blouses; skirts and cardigans. She had always kept to light colours as well as a variety of black pieces. She packed clothes for all seasons and weathers- Fleur had droned on about how England had terrible weather. She didn't pack her Beauxbaton uniform- she wouldn't need it (maybe Madame Delacour would give it to Madame Maxine, the headteacher, for the school), but she did pack her Beauxbaton scarves- a light grey woollen one for winter and a pale blue silk one for special occasions. She didn't pack many shoes as she knew she had too many- she needed school shoes, plimsolls, boots, comfortable shoes and some heels. She didn't have much jewellery: a few pairs of earrings, some necklaces and bracelets. She did have one important piece though, it was her mothers, a delicate silver ring with a daisy bloom upon it. She never wore it because she was afraid to lose it. She tucked it in her school bag so she knew exactly where it would be.

"Right. What is next?" Fleur asked as she lay a blanket (which Alula loved, it had been enchanted to stay soft) across the clothes and closing the first trunk.

"Everything else and maybe me!" Gabbie replied, causing the other girls to smile.

"You won't fit once all Alula's books are in there."

"I don't have that many, Fleur," Alula stated.

She picked up her school books which she thought she may need; a few notebooks; books and letters which Nicolas Flamel had sent her as well as Dumbledore's letters. Other things included her collection of The Daily Prophet, makeup, wash things, photos and memories.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

A few hours later the three girls, two blondes and one raven had finished packing and her dinner. They had all been told to go to bed early as they would need to get up early. Although it was only six o'clock, all three said goodnight to Madame and Monsieur Delacour before going upstairs and to their respective rooms. 

As Alula entered her room she noticed how empty it and she felt. Her bookshelf was almost empty, her sides clean. All that remained out were her clothes for tomorrow and her school bag. Monsieur Delacour had taken her trunks downstairs. She changed into her pyjamas and got into bed. Leaning over to turn off her bedside lamp, Alula noticed how she hadn't packed the second letter. She picked it up and let her index finger trace the pretty cursive of her name. Opening it, she read...

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