4- the manor

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the manor

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the manor


The Delacour House

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The Delacour family, along with Alula, had got up early. Everyone was busy- Monsieur Delacour was enchanting Alula's trunks to feel lighter while Madame Delacour was making sure Alula was well fed before her journey to Kings Cross. The three girls laughed about what Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would be like along with the boys. Alula, until now, had not mentioned Draco.

"I have a cousin," She started, catching the attention of both girls. "He's the same age as me and he also goes to Hogwarts."

"I wonder if he's good looking?"

"Gabrielle! It's her cousin." Fleur tutted at her sister.

"Technically, he's the son of my father's cousin so-"

"Your second cousin" Fleur interrupted. Gabbie looked puzzled.

"Yeah. I'm not going to date him though," Alula grimaced. "That would be disgusting!" The three girls laughed.

Madame Delacour walked over to where the girls sat, smiling, and noticed how they had all finished breakfast. She had to admit that she was upset over Alula leaving even if it was for the best.

"Alula," Monsieur Delacour called from the lounge. "It's time to go, dear."

Madame Delacour led the girls into the lounge where Monsieur Delacour was standing next to a large white marble fireplace. Alula was going to use the Floo Network to get to the port in Calais before getting on a ferry to Dover, England. The Black girl hugged each Delacour and thanked them for all they had done before standing in the fireplace.

"You will write, won't you?" Gabbie asked, worried.

"Of course," Alula replied, smiling. "I am going to miss you all."

"We know," Fleur said, laughing.

Alula waved and called out the name of the port. She vanished from the Delacour home. She was excited, to say the least, but still upset that she had to leave Gabbie and Fleur behind. She couldn't deny that she was growing up and maybe it was for the best.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

France to England

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Alula Black had arrived in Calais a few minutes before her ferry arrived, but she now sat on the boat. She had sat in the corner, so she and her trunks would be out of the way. Looking out of the window, the girl pondered on what her aunt and cousin would be like, where they lived. Her thoughts drifted to her father- where was he? To distract herself from the mass murderer, Alula took a book- 'The Tempest', she laughed at herself and agreed that reading a play where there is a shipwreck while being on a boat was not a good idea. As she placed it back in her bag, Alula's hand brushed against the ring box of her mother's ring. Perhaps Alula should start wearing it, after all, she was going to be with family and going to Hogwarts just like her mother did. Opening the box, the girl took out the ring and examined it. On the inside of the band read a small inscription- 'aeternum'. Alula did not know what it meant but placed the ring on her right ring finger. She hoped that she would make her parents proud.

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