26- are you sirius?

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are you sirius?

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are you sirius?


The Shrieking Shack

✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・

Alula and her godfather were in the Shrieking Shack. They had walked down to the Whomping Willow where Lupin poked a knot of the tree with a stick. Suddenly, the tree stopped its vicious swiping and was still, allowing the two to enter a hole surrounded by roots.

The passage was long and dark, Alula had used 'Lumos' to help. The passage had reminded her of the one Harry had taken her down, except there was less danger at the end of that one.

"Stay quiet," Lupin whispered to his goddaughter.

There were muffled voices somewhere. They became more apparent as screams filled the tunnel. The shout sounded like Hermione, but it was what she said that froze Alula to the spot.

"WE'RE UP HERE!" Hermione screamed. "WE'RE UP HERE -- SIRIUS BLACK - QUICK!"

Sirius Black was there. Alula flashed a frightened look at Lupin who also appeared more afraid. They moved faster, trying not to stumble on the uneven surface. The passage inclined and then a door.

"Stay behind me," Lupin warned quietly before turning to the door. Alula did as she was told.

Lupin burst open the door with small red sparks and hurtled himself into the room, Alula slowly moved behind him. Looking around she saw Ron on the floor with a bloody leg; Hermione was cowering by the door. Harry stood with his wand out, a man was crumpled and bleeding at his feet. A sick feeling flooded Alula as she realised who he was. Her father. Her only thought was- please, don't be dead.

"Expelliarmus!" Lupin shouted.

Harry's wand flew out of his hand; so did the two Hermione was holding. Lupin caught them all deftly, then moved into the room, staring at Black, who had Crookshanks lying protectively across his chest. Alula didn't know why Lupin had done it but trusted his judgement.

Alula stood there, feeling suddenly empty. She looked at her friends who were shocked that she was there, but she didn't dare look at her father.

Then Lupin spoke, in a very tense voice.

"Where is he, Sirius?"

Black's face was quite expressionless. For a few seconds, he didn't move at all. Then, very slowly, he raised his empty hand and pointed straight at Ron. Mystified, Alula glanced around at Ron, who looked bewildered.

"But then..." Lupin muttered, staring at Black so intently it seemed he was trying to read his mind, "... why hasn't he shown himself before now? Unless" -- Lupin's eyes suddenly widened, as though he was seeing something beyond Black, something none of the rest could see, "-- unless he was the one... unless you switched... without telling me?"

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