32- cousin things

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cousin things

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cousin things


Malfoy Manor

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It had been 3 weeks since the Summer holiday had started. Lucius had pestered his niece about her year from her father to her friends, but Alula ignored him. Alula Black had changed. Not in a bad way. She was beginning to find herself.

Draco had noticed too. His cousin had started to curl her, already, curly hair so it looked neater but still effortless. She wore slightly shorter skirts and lower tops. One thing that he had noticed which made him smile was her laughter- she laughed more, smiled more and seemed happier. He knew it was because of her father, he was there when Alula explained everything to his parents.

"Dray..." Alula groaned, throwing herself onto her cousin's bed.

Draco placed the book he was reading on his beside and stared down at his cousin.


"Were you reading? Reading a book?" Alula laughed.

"Yes. Hogwarts: A History."

"You sound like Hermione." She snorted.

"Thanks." He said, rolling his eyes which landed on her necklace. Alula had seen him staring at it.

"The Dog Star."


"So you do listen to me."

"Of course, I do, La."

For a moment there was silence.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah." Alula raised her eyebrow at Draco.

"Zabini keeps asking to come over."




"You know he's my friend, right?"

"Yes. What are you trying to say?" Alula asked, innocently.

Draco thought back to last time Blaise Zambini had been round. When he was returning from the bathroom room he had stumbled upon his friend and his cousin.

"You two were doing more than talking, La. You were practically eating each other's face." Draco told her, trying to erase the memory.


"La, I'm not angry. I just want you to be safe. I will always take your side, you're family."

"I'm not going to date him. I don't like that."

Draco looked at his cousin confused.

"How many boys have you kissed?"

"Three boys. Two girls."

"You're Bi?" Draco said, surprised.

"I also don't like labels." She said plainly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine." She said easing his worry. "I've only ever told Fleur and Gabbie."

"I'm here for you. If anyone says anything I will-"

"I know." Alula laughed.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Alula sat at dinner. She felt quite relieved to tell Draco she liked both boys and girls, he didn't ask many questions like Fleur and Gabbie had when they found out. Being a Sunday, a large roast was laid across the dining table.

"Have you heard from the Delacours recently?" Lucius asked Alula.

The girl looked up from her plate. She hadn't, but nothing had caused concern.

"No, why?"

"No reason."


"Alula." Narcissa softly said while helping herself to more peas. "There was a book you were telling me about. What was it called?"

"Err... Romeo and Juliet."

"That's the one." Her aunt smiled. "I got you a copy."

"Really?!" The girl said excitedly.

It had been Monsieur Delacour who had got Alula hooked on the works of Shakespeare. She loved the language and how he spoke about witches. He must have been a muggle, Alula thought.


"You won't shut up about it, La," Draco smirked.

"Speaking of not being able to shut up about things, Draco, I have received tickets from Ludo Bagman."

"For the Quidditch World Cup?" Draco asked like an excited puppy.

"Ron mentioned that in his letter."

"Weasley?" Lucius asked, disgusted.

"Yes," Alula responded as her uncle made a tutting noise. Twat.

"Well. I have been given tickets for the Minister's box." Lucius puffed out his chest proud.

Alula looked at her aunt, they both looked as though they wanted to laugh, but didn't.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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