8- the grim

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 the grim

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the grim


The Great Hall

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Alula and Ginny sat at breakfast. Hermione was fighting a battle to get her two closest friends, Harry and Ron, to, at least, say 'hello' to Alula. Ginny was eating porridge and Alula had two slices of toast on her plate. Fred and George sat down on either side of the girl.

"Good morning, Lala, Gin." Fred started. "We picked up your timetables for you." George passed them out and the girls thanked them.

"What school did you go to?" Ginny asked Alula.

"Beauxbatons. It's in France. Hogwarts is very different."

"So what were your-" Alula stopped listening to what Ginny had said as she saw Hermione, Ron and Harry. It looked and sounded like she was trying to appeal to their better nature, but failing. Before the three reached where Alula was sitting with the others, Harry quickly turned around to face Hermione and said something Alula had gathered, she wasn't supposed to hear.

"I don't care if you think that she's nice, Hermione. I was warned by Mr Weasley that Sirius Black might attack me." He was angry. "I want nothing to do with her and neither should you." He turned to the table. The Gryffindors who surrounded Alula looked shocked at what he had said.

Alula was fed up, to say the least, and just needed to leave, but she wasn't going to do so quietly. She stood up making direct eye contact with Harry.

"I'm sorry that my being here and my connection to a man I have never met or will meet is bothering you," Alula said tensely. "Perhaps if you realised that I don't know you then you would realise that you are the one making this a problem, Potter." She added the nickname Draco had called him by and then spoke softly to Hermione. "I'll see you in Divination, Hermione."

Everyone, including Harry, had been left utterly surprised by Alula's outburst. The Black girl walked out of the Great Hall and as she turned the corner saw Draco. He had spotted his cousin too and walked over.

"You alright, La?" He knew that she wasn't, he could see that her eyes looked sad, like the time he tried to teach her to ride a broom and she had fallen off. "What happened?" She replied in one word...


"Want me to hex him?" Draco smirked.

"No." She replied and her cousin frowned. "I can fight my own battles, but if I need help, I'll come to you."

"Okay." He agreed and started to walk off. "Oh, I'll see you after lunch. We've got Care of Magical Creatures together."

"Fun!" The two laughed and went off in their separate ways.

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