21- moony, wormtail, padfoot & prongs

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moony, wormtail, padfoot & prongs

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moony, wormtail, padfoot & prongs


Snape's Office

✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・

"So," Snape said.

There was a look of suppressed triumph about him. Harry and Alula tried to look innocent.  

"Come with me, Potter and Black, it would seem," said Snape.

Harry and Alula followed him downstairs, Harry was trying to wipe his hands clean on the inside of his robes without Snape noticing. They walked down the stairs to the dungeons and then into Snape's office.

Alula had never been in here. Snape had acquired slimy horrible things in jars since, all standing on shelves behind his desk, glinting in the firelight and adding to the threatening atmosphere.

"Sit," said Snape.

The two students sat. Snape, however, remained, standing.

"Mr Malfoy has just been to see me with a strange story, Potter," said Snape.

Harry didn't say anything, neither did Alula.

"He tells me that he was up by the Shrieking Shack when he ran into Weasley -- apparently alone. Miss Black you, too, were there also."

Still, Harry didn't speak.

"So Ron wasn't alone then." Snape ignored the Black girl.

"Mr Malfoy states that he was standing talking to Weasley and Black when a large amount of mud hit him in the back of the head. How do you think that could have happened?"

Harry tried to look mildly surprised.

"I don't know, Professor. Do you Black? You were there."

Snape's eyes were boring into Harry's. It was exactly like trying to stare down a hippogriff. Harry tried hard not to blink.

"Mr Malfoy then saw an extraordinary apparition. Can you imagine what it might have been, Potter?"

"No, Black might," said Harry, now trying to sound innocently curious.

"It was your head, Potter. Floating in midair."

"I didn't see that. I would have thrown up on the spot Professor. Look at Potter, I'm gagging now."

There was a long silence. Harry and Alula concealed their laughter.

"Maybe he'd better go to Madam Pomfrey," said Harry. "If he's seeing things like --"

"What would your head have been doing in Hogsmeade, Potter?" said Snape softly. "Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade. No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade."

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