17- rat attack

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rat attack

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rat attack



✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・

Tension had been high between the four Gryffindor students. Ron was furious with Hermione too. As far as he was concerned, the stripping-down of a brand- new Firebolt was nothing less than criminal damage. Hermione, who remained convinced that she had acted for the best, started avoiding the common room. Harry, Ron and Alula supposed she had taken refuge in the library and didn't try to persuade her to come back. Alula would often visit her though, Hermione had been the one who helped the boys trust the Black girl. All in all, they were glad when the rest of the school returned shortly after New Year, and Gryffindor Tower became crowded and noisy again.

"Your heads in the stars, La," Draco noted as he watched his cousin.

They sat in their usual alcove, talking about the Christmas break.

"Sorry, Dray." She apologised. "What were you saying?"

"I thought Ron was angry about his rat."

"Honestly, I don't know," Alula confessed, noting Draco had not used one of his nicknames for the Weasley boy. They both laughed.

The two cousins, though they didn't admit it, were happy to see each other.

"Did I mention that Potter got a firebolt?" Alula added and she watched Draco's face drop.


✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・

Classes started again the next day. The last thing anyone felt like doing was spending two hours on the grounds on a raw January morning, but Hagrid had provided a bonfire full of salamanders for their enjoyment, and they spent an unusually good lesson collecting dry wood and leaves to keep the fire blazing while the flame-loving lizards scampered up and down the crumbling, white-hot logs. The first Divination lesson of the new term was much less fun; Professor Trelawney was now teaching them palmistry, and she lost no time in informing Harry that he had the shortest life she had ever seen. Alula just shook her head at the professor anytime she started creeping over, knowing that Trelawney would mention Sirius Black. It was Defense Against the Dark Arts that Alula was keen to get to.

"Still looks ill, doesn't he?" said Ron as they walked down the corridor, heading to dinner. "What d'you reckon's the matter with him?"

There was a loud and impatient "tuh" from behind them. It was Hermione, who had been sitting at the feet of a suit of armour, repacking her bag, which was so full of books it wouldn't close.

"And what are you tutting at us for?" said Ron irritably. Alula sensed an argument and nudged Harry's arm.

"Nothing," said Hermione in a lofty voice, heaving her bag back over her shoulder.

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