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{13th of August 1993}

Malfoy Manor

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Two weeks passed. Alula had fully settled into the Malfoy Manor and was thoroughly enjoying living there. Her days would consist of her waking up, getting ready and going to the kitchen for the mandatory breakfast meal where there would be small talk. Lucius would read The Daily Prophet for the latest news and Narcissa, Alula and Draco would talk about their plans for the day. There were lots to do at the manor- Alula would read her books or watch Draco practice for Quidditch. The two cousins would sit in the gardens admiring the peacocks or trying to beat the other at Wizard's Chess or Exploding Snap. Alula would also respond to Gabbie and Fleur's letters. Narcissa was so very pleased to have Alula there and when she asked about her family, she always told her but left out parts such as siding with the Dark Lord. She always hushed Draco and Alula out of the room or house whenever Lucius had his 'friends' over- Alula did not need to get involved. Narcissa would not allow it.

On this very day, Alula woke up more excited than the day before. She jumped out of bed and got ready- pulling on a red summer dress that hung until her knees. She walked out of her room only to see Draco stumbling back to his from the bathroom.

"Morning, Dray!" She exclaimed, smiling.

"What's got you so happy?" A tired Draco questioned. Maybe he didn't know. Oh well.

"Nothing. You coming to breakfast?" He nodded and Alula grabbed his arm as they headed to the kitchen.

As they walked in, Narcissa smiled at the two children, even Lucius looked happy. As Draco and Alula sat down at the table they noticed they had both received letters looking identical apart from the names.

"Hogwarts letters," Draco said, now perking up.

"Before you open them. We have something else to worry about." Narcissa said standing behind Alula. "Happy birthday, dear."

Narcissa handed her niece a neatly wrapped present. Which, after opening it, was a small book. Inside were photos. There were pictures of a pregnant woman beside Sirius Black- it was Alula's mother. The last picture was of a baby Alula being held by her mother who had Sirius' arms around. Closing the book, Alula looked up to her aunt smiling from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Aunt Cissy and you too, Uncle Lucius."

"Those photos were hard to come by." Lucius had said which shocked Alula as it meant he had gone out of his way. "Now, what's happening at Hogwarts then?"

"Hold on." Everyone looked at Draco who placed another wrapped gift in front of Alula.

Alula began unwrapping the little package, she gathered that her aunt and uncle had no idea about it as they looked curious. It was a box which contained a necklace. The silver chain held a flat round pendant. There were little sparkles from diamantes.

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