I Escaped...or not

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Okay, so I have two days to get out of here. Think Skylar, think. What are my options?

I look around the room. 

Alright, so there are a couple of windows. I could always hop out of them. But, there has to be an easier way. Wait, did she even lock the door?

I walk up to the door and slowly turn the knob. To my surprise, the door opens. 

Wow, she's dumb for leaving this unlocked. 

I creak the door open and pop my head out to take in my surroundings. It looks like my room is at the end of a narrow hall. No one seems to be around.

After taking a deep breath, I decided to take my chances and try to run. I tippy-toe my way down the hallway. Once I reach the end of the hall, I realize that I'm on the first floor. The door that's standing between me and freedom can't be that far from me. It has to be on the first floor. 

I try to locate the door, but the house is so huge I have no idea where I'm going. As I look around, I become less aware of my surroundings. Which is not the best thing to do when you're trying to escape the home of your kidnappers. 

As I look around the house someone says sternly "Did you get a good tour of the house?" 

My heart drops and I slowly turn around to see Camila standing with her arms crossed at her chest. Lauren and Dinah are standing behind Camila on either side. They were all smirking at me. 

I gulp. 

"Where did you think you were going?" Camila asks 

I don't answer. I look down at the floor and shuffle from feet to feet. 

Lauren says sternly "Did you not hear her?" 

"Answer her question, Skylar," Dinah adds 

I don't. I continue to look down at the ground. Camila walks up to me and forcefully pulls my chin up. "If you thought you could get away that easily, think again." 

She slaps my face hard and says "I just went over the rules with you and you do this?" 

"You better walk your ass back to your room Skylar. Don't make this worse then it has to be." Dinah says 

I'm so shocked by the events taking place in front of me that I don't move. Lauren sighs and says "Guess she wants to make it worse." 

Camila slaps me again and says loudly "When we tell you to do something you do it!" She grabs my arm and drags me to my room. She throws me in and locks the door behind her. 

I lay on the bed, shaking from what just happened. Once I regain my composure I think to myself Guess, the windows are my only option. Thank god my brother taught me how to open them. It's almost night time. I'll wait for it to get a little darker before I do anything else. 

I wait another hour before I open the window. Thankfully, they didn't take any extra precautions with the windows, so I was able to open it right away. I jump out of the window and as soon as I land on my feet, I make a run for it. 

The house had a gate around it, but it wasn't too high up so I was able to jump over it. But, it took me a few vital seconds to jump over it, and by then I heard Ally screaming from the house. 



Once I get over the fence, I take a quick look behind me to see all the girls running out of the house. I don't waste another second and I run faster than I ever have before. 

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