"You need to talk to us."

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We get to Bombay Chopsticks in 20 minutes. We're taken to our seats right away because they have a reservation.

We're escorted to a booth. They have me sit in the middle.

Everyone opens their menus. Well, everyone except for me that is.

Ally notices and says "Well, I guess Sky doesn't want a say on what she wants to eat."

Lauren rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed with me "Okay, whatever. what are you guys getting?"

They all decide to order orange chicken and fried rice. They also decided to get me mango shake.

They call the waiter over and tell him what they want. He leaves to place our order. The girls start to talk and I began to space out.

"Sky...Sky...SKY!" yells Camila

I jump and then look up at her. Then she asks "Did you hear what we were talking about?"

I shook my head, no.

"Do you want to go see a movie today? It's only 7 and we should be out of here before 9, so we'll have time."

I shook my head, no. I don't want to see a movie.

"Why?" Normani asks

I look down at the floor. Camila, who's sitting next to me, wraps her arm around me to comfort me. But, all it does is make me more uncomfortable. I try to move away, but Ally's sitting on my other side.

Camila asks softly "Sky, are you still afraid of us?"

I look up at her one more time before looking away again. I eventually nod my head slowly. After she sees my response, her eyes soften and she wraps me up in a tight hug.

She says, with her voice breaking a little, "Sky, we're not going to hurt you like this again. I promise."

She puts her pinky out and I interlock my pinky with hers.

"You know what we see about pinky promises, right?" She asks

I give her a small smile and nod.

She smiles back before saying "Maybe we should go to the movies another time."

"Yeah, I agree." Says Normani, nodding her head

"Hey, I think our food is here!" Ally says, a little too excited

Everyone gives her a weird look. "What? I'm a foodie." Ally says shrugging "Sue me."

We all giggle a little at her response.

Once the food is set on our table, Camila fills my plate up first. She fills it up with rice and orange chicken. She doesn't give me too much or too little. She sets down my plate in front of me before handing me my mango shake. While they're getting their food, I put the napkin on my lap and grab the fork.

All I do is poke my food and eat a little.

Dinah notices and says "Sky, we're almost done with our food and we got it after you. She gave you exactly how much you eat."

They all look at me and Lauren says "Sky, come on. Just eat your food."

I continue to poke at my food.

Lauren sighs and says "Sky, the quicker you finish eating the quicker we can go home."

Realizing she's right, I quickly begin to eat my food. They all sigh, clearly sad at how motivated Lauren's comment made me.

I finish eating my food in less than 15 minutes. I drink my shake while they ask the waiter for the check. When the waiter comes back she has 6 fortune cookies in her hands as well as a black book that has the receipt in it. 

Kidnapped by Fifth HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now